Now how can you stay mad at a face like this? LOL
I think Lola knows she's cute so she will go out of her way to try and do things she knows better not to do, only to have me struggle with either yelling at her or just laughing. I must say that for the most part I've grown immune to her cute puppy eyes, I have to use the same technique I use with my kids or I would be in serious trouble.
Today has been one of those uneventful days.......nothing major happens, you just move on from minute to minute and hour to hour and before you know it, it's bedtime. Or so I hope.
There's so much I want to get done but for some reason there aren't enough hours in the day. I was just thinking earlier of when I was younger and the days seemed to drag on, especially at nighttime, I never had the time to sleep. That was just toooooooo boring for antsy ol' me.
Now I have the reverse affect, I get to bed, fall asleep and open my eyes 5 minutes later (or so I think), to realize that the alarm clock is about to go off. GRRRRRRRR, how annoying!!!
Can you tell I'm in one of those weird moods? LOL
I was so bored earlier that I started taking pics of everything that moved....got some cute ones of Nicholas though, like this one.....

So anyway, off I go, it's time to fix dinner......good ol' Lasagna, Yum.....just wish it wouldn't take so long to fix, that's the only turn off for me, but then again, if I wasn't cooking I would have to be finding something else to keep me busy. See I'm in one of those days that I really don't feel like cleaning, which is fine, because I did all my cleaning yesterday, so all I have today is the usual dishes etc....not too bad huh?
Well you're free to go do whatever it is you were doing....mommy duty calls for me, or is it SCREAMS for me?!?!?!?
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