Thursday, March 30, 2006

About Me

I am a mother to two amazing kids and wife to a retired Air Force Sergeant.  They are truly my best friends, my whole life.

I was born in Mozambique but shortly after had to leave due to the Independence War and there began my journey. From Mozambique to Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and then to Portugal, where we lived for 10 years and finally to South Africa where I spent most of my life. It is what I consider my home, it's where I did my schooling, where I made my first friends, had my first boyfriend and grew into a young woman.

I spent many years as a Radio DJ and I absolutely loved it, in between that, I also sang, yes sang, in front of many thousands of people and recorded two songs. They were some of the best years of my life, I look back today and thank the Lord for having been so blessed and having experienced so many wonderful adventures during my childhood years.

In 1997 I met my husband, Curtis, on the internet. He was in the States and I was in South Africa. After one year of communicating back and forth, he flew to South Africa and we were married, shortly after I moved to the USA.

I left behind my whole life, my family, my friends, my roots and with a little baby in my belly, I made the huge journey across the ocean from one continent to another. It was scary and it was exciting and I'm so glad I did it.

We've now been married for 15 years and have two beautiful children who we love more than life.

I love cooking, reading, crocheting, photography, knitting, sewing, astronomy, movies, Jane many things, I think it's what life is about, being able to enjoy a little of everything.
I'm a firm believer in enjoying every single second and making it count.

The years we spent as a military family were some of the hardest times in our lives, there were many sacrifices, many tears and many separations, but also many rewards.  It was a life lived to the fullest, and an amazing roller coaster of adventures.

We are living our dream, a home in the country surrounded by nature, by mountains and horses and cows.  It's all about learning a new way of life, how to do things, how to budget with a retirement check and how to live away from a military base and the routines and schedules that we were so used to. 

I always say that if the pioneers could do it, then so can we.  Where life is going to lead us, we are not sure, but as long as we're together, it doesn't matter....we will be happy.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my little corner of the web!


Emeraldempress said...

Hi there Sandra,
I was browsing the net looking for a Cod with cream recipe and came across your wonderful website filled with marvelous recipes that I also remember from my childhoold. My parents are both portuguese. I too travelled alot when I was young. I was born in Bermuda, then moved to Portugal and finally came to the US when I was 11. I live in the state of MA.
Thank you so much for having these recipes and I will surelly come back to visit.
I was trying to leave you a note by clicking on the little envelope but it's not working for some reason. Anyway, here's my email if you'd like to write back.
thanks again and have a great day

Rose said...

Could you please consider promoting on your blog and twitter? Check out the link-if you have Facebook voting literally takes seconds.

Right now we are stuck in 3rd and have to be in 1st or 2nd to win the 250k (which will all go toward researching a cure.) If you check out the current leaders also you'll see how determined we are to win this funding. Thank you in advance for even considering it---reaching out to moms through some of the top mom blogs is our best chance I think.

If you have any questions please email me!!! Thanks!!!!

Paula said...

Hi Sandra,
Just found your blog for the bacalhau com natas and wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed reading you.
I am portuguese and currently live in Porto, after 28 years in Paris.
Por favor continua com as deliciosas receitas !

juliano said...

Hi Sandra,Thank you for the recipe for the tomato and apple jam it sounds great.Do you think I could improvise with conference(hard)pears and does this originate from Portugal.My partner is called Sandra and we have had a roller-coaster ride of a life too.Keep the faith!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow! You certainly have lived an interesting life and were certainly very brave to leave the old life behind and travel to the USA with your husband to start a new one. That can't have been an easy choice to make. I had not read your story before. Thanks for sharing.

Elena said...

Hi there,

I came across your blog while searching for a recipe. Really great stuff on here and I plan on trying out a few recipes next week for my husband. It would be helpful if your layout changed a little making it easier to nagivate through the pages a bit like

but apart from that great stuff.


Makanani Cobb-Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Makanani Cobb-Adams said...

Welina mai me ke aloha e Sandra!
I love your blog. Mahalo nui (thanks so much) for taking the time to put it together. The pictures are great, along with the step-by-step instructions! Love it. Again, thank you plenty for sharing your life with us!
All the way from a little island in the middle of the Pacific ocean...

Yvette said...

I'm new to all this. I'm a stay at home mom too. I feel almost disconnected to the world. I used to be a teacher before kids came along. I've been telling myself it's time to reconnect so I was thinking of writing my own blog. Yours is the very first one I have ever looked at read. I really like it. Might have to steal some of your menu ideas. Your food looks really yummy.
Thanks for sharing...

Lindsey said...


I'm a new stay at home mom and like Yvette said before me, I'm new to this! I created my own blog just the other day and have already had so much fun doing it. I think every stay at home mom needs that creative outlet to the outside world! Look forward to reading your blog posts. Hope you stop by one day.


Rosemary said...

Hi! I am a military spouse, too. Hubby retired in 2009. I wrote a blog for military spouses, too.Get in touch if you'd like to. I found your blog while looking for something different to do with a roast in a crockpot, btw. I think I'm going to throw the salsa on it and see what I get.

Take care,

Kris Kelley said...

What a truly beautiful blog! I love all of the photos and the simple but lovely day-to-day things you share! Will definitely be visiting again!

Unknown said...

I grew up in the Air Force life and loved it. We were stationed at Lajes AFB, Terceria for 2 years. It was a great place to start my teen years. We also were introduced to Portuguese cuisine.
I'm so glad I found your blog.

Heidi said...

Hi Sandra, I grew up and still live in South Africa! :) Enjoying your site, nice to meet a Christian mom similair to me, Im a fulltime mom of 2.

Heidi said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention, my hubby is portuguese! :) x

Gizela said...

Hi Sandra
I am glad i found your blog.Your posts Shows me realy how just living simply can be such a joy.

I am from Angola and that is not so far from your roots as you know Portugal colonized both Mozabimque and Angola. I also lived in South africa, that is where i grew up and met my hubby ( he is Angolan) which I am with for 8 years now. we have 3 little kids. Now that we are back in Angola my hubby works in a oil compony and he also leaves for 28 days and he is with us just 26 days.I am so new at this. Hubby leaving all the time
I felt that you and I have so much in commom and above all we belong to the same family. The family of being christians.
I just want to tell to continue bringing in your posts as they help many STHCM. When you went away for a while, few months ago, I became sad...please dont do that again, dont leaves us. WE need your encouragement.
God bless you and your family

Gizela said...

Hi Sandra
I am glad i found your blog.Your posts Shows me realy how just living simply can be such a joy.

I am from Angola and that is not so far from your roots as you know Portugal colonized both Mozabimque and Angola. I also lived in South africa, that is where i grew up and met my hubby ( he is Angolan) which I am with for 8 years now. we have 3 little kids. Now that we are back in Angola my hubby works in a oil compony and he also leaves for 28 days and he is with us just 26 days.I am so new at this. Hubby leaving all the time
I felt that you and I have so much in commom and above all we belong to the same family. The family of being christians.
I just want to tell to continue bringing in your posts as they help many STHCM. When you went away for a while, few months ago, I became sad...please dont do that again, dont leaves us. WE need your encouragement.
God bless you and your family

Gizela said...

Hi Sandra
I am glad i found your blog.Your posts Shows me realy how just living simply can be such a joy.

I am from Angola and that is not so far from your roots as you know Portugal colonized both Mozabimque and Angola. I also lived in South africa, that is where i grew up and met my hubby ( he is Angolan) which I am with for 8 years now. we have 3 little kids. Now that we are back in Angola my hubby works in a oil compony and he also leaves for 28 days and he is with us just 26 days.I am so new at this. Hubby leaving all the time
I felt that you and I have so much in commom and above all we belong to the same family. The family of being christians.
I just want to tell to continue bringing in your posts as they help many STHCM. When you went away for a while, few months ago, I became sad...please dont do that again, dont leaves us. WE need your encouragement.
God bless you and your family

Gizela said...

Hi Sandra
I am glad i found your blog.Your posts Shows me realy how just living simply can be such a joy.

I am from Angola and that is not so far from your roots as you know Portugal colonized both Mozabimque and Angola. I also lived in South africa, that is where i grew up and met my hubby ( he is Angolan) which I am with for 8 years now. we have 3 little kids. Now that we are back in Angola my hubby works in a oil compony and he also leaves for 28 days and he is with us just 26 days.I am so new at this. Hubby leaving all the time
I felt that you and I have so much in commom and above all we belong to the same family. The family of being christians.
I just want to tell to continue bringing in your posts as they help many STHCM. When you went away for a while, few months ago, I became sad...please dont do that again, dont leaves us. WE need your encouragement.
God bless you and your family

Gizela said...

Hi Sandra
I am glad i found your blog.Your posts Shows me realy how just living simply can be such a joy.

I am from Angola and that is not so far from your roots as you know Portugal colonized both Mozabimque and Angola. I also lived in South africa, that is where i grew up and met my hubby ( he is Angolan) which I am with for 8 years now. we have 3 little kids. Now that we are back in Angola my hubby works in a oil compony and he also leaves for 28 days and he is with us just 26 days.I am so new at this. Hubby leaving all the time
I felt that you and I have so much in commom and above all we belong to the same family. The family of being christians.
I just want to tell to continue bringing in your posts as they help many STHCM. When you went away for a while, few months ago, I became sad...please dont do that again, dont leaves us. WE need your encouragement.
God bless you and your family

Gizela said...

Hi Sandra
I am glad i found your blog.Your posts Shows me realy how just living simply can be such a joy.

I am from Angola and that is not so far from your roots as you know Portugal colonized both Mozabimque and Angola. I also lived in South africa, that is where i grew up and met my hubby ( he is Angolan) which I am with for 8 years now. we have 3 little kids. Now that we are back in Angola my hubby works in a oil compony and he also leaves for 28 days and he is with us just 26 days.I am so new at this. Hubby leaving all the time
I felt that you and I have so much in commom and above all we belong to the same family. The family of being christians.
I just want to tell to continue bringing in your posts as they help many STHCM. When you went away for a while, few months ago, I became sad...please dont do that again, dont leaves us. WE need your encouragement.
God bless you and your family

Gizela said...

sorry Sandra somthing happened that when i posted my coments duplicated or triplicated. i amd so sorry. i dont know what happened. God bless you

Unknown said...

Hey! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award (see my blog) :)

Sew Very Me said...

Hi Sandra
WOW, after following your blog for so long and reading about the lychees reminding you of South Africa, only then did I read more about you. I was born in Beira, Mozambique, left as a result of the war. We went to South Africa. But my father was from Portugal.
Currently I live in New Zealand with my husband and 2 kids.
No I know why I love your blog so much.

Unknown said...

Hi there Sandra. I just found your blog, and I must say, it is my first! I recently started my hand at blogging in an attempt of leaving my daughter (now 5 months old), a type of journal about the life of her mother, her dreams and aspirations, her likes and dislikes, but most of all, her love for her daughter. I am also a military wife, and enjoy reading your blog, recipes and other tidbits you post. Just wanted to say a quick thank you for sharing your journey and for your lovely writing.

Poet, Detachment Mom, and Navy Wife said...

Hi Sandra!

I'm a military spouse, a stay at home wife, a blogger, and someone thinking of becoming a parent. I found your blog on a google search and I'm so glad I did. I am really enjoying reading it.

Thanks :)

Venus said...

Hi Sandra I absolutely love, love the backgrounds on all your blogs. I am trying to have a blog about parenting special needs children and support for teachers also since I am one. I was wondering were I can find such beautiful backgrounds.

Thanks much!


Simply Oils said...

Such a beautiful story! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family!

67comet said...

Sandra; my wife and I have also been married 12 years; I "just" retired in January and haven't regretted a minute of it. My wife kicked ass and took names on all my deployments; it's more helpful than anyone knows to have the support of your family back home when you are gone for extended periods of time.

Keep on writing, you do a wonderful job.

Justin (Ret from Hill AFB, UT)

Eva said...

hi i am sort of new to blogspot ( and i am wondering how you get nice smooth fonts on your blog?

Unknown said...

Hello Sandra!! I accidently came across your blog while searching for a recipe, bitoque. I started to read more about you and was tickled to see how you and your husband met. I met my boyfriend online, he lives in Portugal, I am American. We have been talking and video chatting for well over a year, and I will be moving there at the end of the year! Do you have any tips for a new girl in Portugal? i have been trying to learn as much Portuguese as I can, but lol, it is hard for me. My boyfriend Sandro says that once I get there it won't be so bad, that I will pick it up pretty fast. Anyways, I just wanted to share my little story with you and tell you I love your blog, it will be such a big help to me with my move.

CC said...

Hi Sandra, I have been reading your blog for years now, first when I was a SAHM mum of two myself in England, and now as a mum of four training to be a nurse in Ireland. I havent checked in in ages and I'm delighted that you have begun your new life in your rural idyll. You are brave and inspirational and honest and you really cheer me up and you have encouraged back to god, God Bless You and all who are dear to you.CC.

zillamom said...

Thank you for inspiring this stay at home mom who has some very tough days. It helps me remember how important our job is. Thank you Sandra.

Unknown said...

Hi Sanda,

My name is Katie Crow and I'm a student at the University of Missouri and I am doing a class assignment that requires us to do research about stay-at-home moms and how they choose to use the Internet and how media can help improve and highlight these platforms. I came across your blog and this is the exact thing we are looking to learn more about! I was hoping I could talk to you about why your blog is important, your roles as a mom and the type of media you consume on and offline. Please email me if you would be able to talk about these things or if you have questions for me about our research. I look forward to hearing from you!


Katie Crow,

Deaf Owned Inc. said...

Hi Sandra,

Join and become financially stress free. Just choose a plan and we'll do the rest... with new members joining daily, rest assured your payout increases. Be sure to tell your family and friends by sharing!

Deaf Owned Inc.

Anonymous said...


I'm reaching out to you on behalf of a client to see if you'd be interested in doing a joint project with them.

We'd like to host a competition in your website to give your readers a chance to win flower bouquets for Mother's day which we are giving away as a prize. Mother's day is just around the corner so we'd love to get something up and running real soon :)

Is this something you are open to and have you done a similar promo like this before?


Kally said...

Hi Sandra, I am working on an article about SAMH on my blog to inspire those who chose the long tough road to become SAHM. We need to give them recognition where recognition is due. Please do contact me if you like to collaborate on this piece and I will link the article back to your website too! My email address is Looking forward in hearing from you. Thanks.

Crafty P said...

Sandra- I really enjoy your blog but cannot comment on any posts. It says I'm not a team member. Maybe see if something got turned on to not allow comments? thank you!

Teresa Lowther Mason said...

Hello MOMS!!

My name is Teresa Mason and I am a casting producer in Los Angeles and currently casting MOMS for a fun new show with a major Network!

If you know of anyone who might be interested, I would greatly appreciate direct referrals and your help spreading the word to moms in your area! (We are casting nationwide excluding California & NYC)

I am casting this week so please email me ASAP at to apply or nominate a mom you know!

See the casting info below!


Do you put your kids and husbands' needs in front of your own? Are you the cook, the maid, the chauffeur, the scheduler, the personal shopper?

Do you want your husband and kids to step up to the plate, stop taking you for granted, and start doing their share around the house?

***Family selected for the series will receive a GENEROUS stipend. ***

The Emmy Award Winning Producer's of "Undercover Boss" have a new show that will aim to help families appreciate each other once and for all!

If you have 2 or more children, please email us at TERESAMASONCASTING@GMAIL.COM and include "MOM" on the subject heading and the following info in your email:

1. Mom's Full Name
2. Age
3. Phone/Email
4. City, State
5. Kids ages
6. Family Photo
7. Brief blurb about why you feel unappreciated and fed up with your teens/kids and need a break!

Unknown said...

This is a request for permission for one time use of your photo of the low-lying sun through lace curtains from your August 2014 issue.

It would be displayed in our church newsletter which is printed for those in the congregation without internet access, by emails to those who can manage the technology, and placed in the Congregational Life portion of our church website along with the rest of the newsletter.

Credit to the photographer is given when the photo is not the property of our church. You can visit our webpage at to reassure yourself of the good taste of the venue in which wed hope to use your photo.

Thanks you for considering my request,

Chris MacNaughton
Editor of The Tower

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandra!

Hello from

My name is Max, I’m writing because I recently found your blog and noticed that you sometimes review Christian products. We’re looking for bloggers like you who would like to review a Christian DVD for us. is one of the top sites on the web for Christian and family-friendly DVDs. We love having bloggers review products for us because it gives us perspective on the products we sell, and provides us with ever-valuable backlinks.

Could I send you a free DVD in exchange for an honest review and two links to our site? If you’re interested, please reply with your mailing address and your preference of movie type [Children’s | Feature Film | Documentary].

Max Anderson

Headliner said...

Hi Sandra, I would LOVE to feature you on Headliner. It's a discussion app so people (like me) can reply to each other with video comments to your videos and actually talk about it. If you're interested, let me know so I can get your video featured to all users and you can really get the discussions going.

Debby said...

I followed over to your other blog where you have the carrot cake recipe. I was not allowed to post there so I came back here to let you know that the carrot cake looks really good and easy too, I am going to try it very soon. Thanks for sharing it. Sending positive thoughts to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandra,

I’m the Community Manager with Anagram Interactive, where we specialize in connecting established brands with prominent bloggers. We’re currently working with Paperless Post, a company that designs customizable online and printed stationery, to show that communication can be personal and well-designed regardless of the medium.

Paperless Post has partnered with several world-famous designers and lifestyle brands, including kate spade new york, Oscar de la Renta, Jonathan Adler, and Rifle Paper Co., and has delivered over 85 million cards to date. Since you have such an engaging and beautifully-designed blog, we’d like to offer you 1000 Paperless Post digital Coins for free to try out our online service and write about your experience.

We really think you’ll enjoy Paperless Post and can’t wait to hear what you think. Please let me know if this is something you’d be interested in and I’ll show you how to get started.
Please write me at

Tanvi said...

Hi Sandra,

My name is Anuj Agarwal. I'm Founder of Feedspot.

I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Diary of a Stay at Home Mom has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Stay At Home Mom Blogs on the web.

I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 100 Stay At Home Mom Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


diary of a work from home mom said...

Hi Sandra,

I love your blogs so much. I have been coming here for inspiration since last year. I am also a work from home mom and I can relate so much of the day-to-day struggles of a mother.

I hope you write more...and thanks for always inspiring your readers...

Sending hugs all the way from the Philippines.



Lokesh Umak said...

Hi, Just found your blog, lets connect and share information to the world

torpey clare said...

I have lots of joy and excitement in me as i testify. I am torpey clar, been happy with my marriage, not until my husband began to listen to gossip of me not being faithful to our marital vows, i tried making him understand that they were gossip and lies, but he lost the love, trust  and confidence in us. So we became nagging couples, and then filled for divorce, later on, we got separated. years after our divorce, i tried to live a normal life without him but i could not, so i began a quest on how to get back my ex husband, then i was referred to, BaBa ogbogo a great and highly spiritual man who cast a love spell on me and made my EX return to me. I am overwhelm, so i drop his contact here for those having relationship and marriage problems, so he can help with great works. Email: Or his whatsapp number... +447440557868. Get in-touch with him, see how great and powerful he is. Also helps in these matters...

(1) Stop Divorce.
(2) End Barrenness.
(3) Good luck Spell.
(4) Marriage Spell.
(5) Get Rid Of Spiritual Problems.    

Rebecca Eller said...

Spell to fix your broken marriage or relationship problem or after a divorce or Breakup,I was recently scam by two of them, until one faithful day i meet a man called Dr Oselumen who help me to get back to the father of my kid after we have been separated for two years,I only pay for the items required for the spell and he cast the spell for me within 24hours my ex husband called me and beg me to forgive him for everything until the end of the world he will never leave me again we are back together.if you need a real and quick love spell or you are passing through pregnancy problem Dr Oselumen is the answer, Please if any body needs. LOVE SPELL,LOTTERY,PREGNANCY SPELL, DIVORCE SPELL,STOP COURT CASE AND WIN ANY COURT PROBLEM,DEATH SPELL,BUSINESS SPELL AND MANY MORE YOU MAY NEED. Email him now for your own help. via email add him on whatsapp line or call +2348054265852.  

Sandra said...

I am really glad to see your back!  I didn't read you before...just started doing meal planning and found you via other blogs.  Sorry for your situation but glad to see you rebounded!! When good people do nothing...evil's awesome to see you getting back into it!  I have favorited you and your blog will be one of my stops each Sunday when I plan my meals...I also downloaded 4 of your recipes!!  Thanks so much!

Deanna said...

Blessings to you! You are one very interesting woman and your blog is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Dating for everyone is here: ❤❤❤ Link 1 ❤❤❤

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9b .

Anonymous said...

Dating for everyone is here: ❤❤❤ Link 1 ❤❤❤

Direct sexchat: ❤❤❤ Link 2 ❤❤❤

rc .

Marisa Reis said...

Olá Sandra, descobri hoje o seu blog, poderia escrever em Inglês mas imagino que sinta falta do Português. Vim aqui parar através de um seguidor do meu blog e estou a gostar imenso de a ler.