I actually went through the whole area and got rid of a bunch of stuff that didn't need to be there. It feels so much better to work in a clean computer area doesn't it?
Yay for me!!! Well gotta go pick up Jasmine from her friends house, then it's dinner time, baths, homework etc.
Hope you all have a great night :) Will be here bright and early tomorrow with a hot cup of coffee and, I'm sure, interesting stories LOL
how many computers do you have?
Gotta love that feeling when you've cleaned up a space
It feels so good Mel, it's like you can breathe better LOL
J's mommy, we have 3 computers right now. One is mine, one is hubby's and one the kids share. :)
Wow girl!! Feel free to stop by here anytime!! LOL! :o)
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