This morning I got up and noticed that my pain wasn't as bad, I could actually move a bit better, although walking is just the worst. That whole pressure of putting your foot down sends shooting pains up my thigh and lower back.......oh well, it will get better soon.
I look out the window and everything is white, not with snow, with ice. It's foggy, it's cold and it's just yucky outside. No wonder my sciatica is acting up.
So I'm in the house getting Nicholas his coat and gloves, hat etc and Jasmine and Scottie, Veronica's son, are outside by the car waiting. Next thing I know, I walk out and they are both on top of my car, one on the hood and the other on the trunk. I think my eyes almost popped out of my head.
Me: What are you guys doing on top of the car?
Them: Cleaning it for you.
Me: Ummm I appreciate the thought but you need to get down, it's not safe up there.
Them: But we're just cleaning the ice off the windows so you can see when you drive.
Me: Ok thank you but you still need to get down please.
So we get in the car and I hear them in the backseat with these excited voices.
Scottie: This was the best day ever.
Jasmine: Yeah Scottie, I hope it's like this again tomorrow.
Scottie: Yeah then we can climb up again and clean the car, that was fun.
LOL, what do you say to that? I love that about kids, I love that they get so excited about small things. Things that we either take for granted or find to be an annoyance. To me, the ice on my car just means I have to scrape it off and freeze my hands and then can't see when I'm driving etc. To them it's just THE BEST DAY EVER!!! Gotta love those kids.

So I called up the doctor in Boise today and they told me that they mailed off my paperwork on friday. YAY!! Now this week I gotta run around and get all the documents notarized and get some passport photos taken too. WOW, believe me it's a lot of work but it will be so worth it when I have that GREEN CARD in my hand. South Africa here we come LOL
Just this morning I was over at Melany's blog and she was talking about Wimpy...oh boy that brought back such good memories for me. I remember a lot of afternoons going shopping with my grandmother and then we would go to Wimpy for lunch. I always had the wimpy burgers and then for dessert the waffles LOL.....that is one thing I'm having when we go there. Thanks Mel for the great memory :)
Since I was out of commission yesterday and well, I really shouldn't be doing too much, BUT, I have laundry to finish and I also need to do some more spring cleaning. Today I'm tackling the office area. Oh man, this is what it looks like right now. Usually doesn't look so bad, but it was the weekend, I couldn't do anything, and you know what that means.
Just this morning I was over at Melany's blog and she was talking about Wimpy...oh boy that brought back such good memories for me. I remember a lot of afternoons going shopping with my grandmother and then we would go to Wimpy for lunch. I always had the wimpy burgers and then for dessert the waffles LOL.....that is one thing I'm having when we go there. Thanks Mel for the great memory :)
Since I was out of commission yesterday and well, I really shouldn't be doing too much, BUT, I have laundry to finish and I also need to do some more spring cleaning. Today I'm tackling the office area. Oh man, this is what it looks like right now. Usually doesn't look so bad, but it was the weekend, I couldn't do anything, and you know what that means.
I laugh about it because honestly, what matters is that they spend time together and have a blast, the rest is just not important right. Well, that's what I try to tell myself to keep from going postal on the cleaning subject LOL
This is what happens when you live in base housing, there just aren't enough rooms. I would LOVE to have an office all on it's own, but it has to be shared with the living room. It's nice in a way cause we can keep an eye on the kids all the time, but if for some reason the office gets messy then it makes the whole living room look bad. SIGH, what to do, what to do. LOL
Well I'm off to start cleaning and then I will post a before and after pic.
Hope you all have a great monday morning. :) I'm off to check the mail.
This is what happens when you live in base housing, there just aren't enough rooms. I would LOVE to have an office all on it's own, but it has to be shared with the living room. It's nice in a way cause we can keep an eye on the kids all the time, but if for some reason the office gets messy then it makes the whole living room look bad. SIGH, what to do, what to do. LOL
Well I'm off to start cleaning and then I will post a before and after pic.
Hope you all have a great monday morning. :) I'm off to check the mail.
It takes so little to please kids huh! Glad she's feeling better though.
I don't know what's cuter -- the red hair or the blue lips? Glad you're feeling better...Emily
I would seriously mis the Wimpy if we ever had to leave SA. My kids will probably always remember me when they go to the Wimpy :)
Court ain't that true? The smallest things make them happy :)
Emily, that hair is just gorgeous, but she does have the temper to go with it LOL
Mel, I miss Wimpy so much, I loved their food and of course the memories attached to it :)
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