Hubby leaves tomorrow morning and there's still things that need to get done....most importantly making sure he has everything packed and ready to go.
Nothing more frustrating than getting a phone call from him saying that something got left behind. Last year when he was gone, he called me to tell me he had left his ATM card behind, YEAH, the ATM card.....so now he's in Vegas with $20 and no access to money. I had to use Western Union to send him some cash so he could eat....so that's definitely one incident we don't want to repeat.
So now, the day before he leaves, I start going into single parent mode. Getting the kids prepared for me being mommy and daddy, mechanic, carpenter, fix it all, and preparing myself to the usual things going wrong. Really, I mean it, you may think I'm kidding, but any military wife will tell you that usually when the hubby goes somewhere, that's when the weirdest things tend to happen.
Last year when he was gone, we only had the one vehicle, his truck. It worked perfectly fine while he was here, a few days after he left, I went to the commissary to get groceries, walk out to the truck with the kids, load up the groceries and then get in only to find that it won't start. So now I have two cranky kids, tons of food and I'm sitting there thinking "You have GOT to be kidding me". I couldn't get it to start at all, it was like the battery was dead. Finally a nice gentleman in uniform stopped to help me, he messed with the battery cable a bit and VOILA!!! It started right up.
It continued doing that, to the point where everytime we went somewhere, I was prepared to pop open the hood and mess with the cable to get it running. But then, something else came along. I would go to leave the house and the front left tire would be almost flat. I would air it up and the next morning, back to the same.
Then my washers hose broke, flooding the kitchen.
The minute hubby got back home, everything was fine. He has had NO problems with his car whatsoever, not even the tire goes flat anymore. How about that?!?!?
But anyway, like I said, with me being sick, then our beloved dog passing away, and now trying to get hubby ready to leave, I just haven't had time for anything.
No phone calls, emails or visiting my blogging friends.
I so appreciate your comments and knowing that you still visit me, I promise to be back to normal blogging tomorrow.
See I always thought that I was one of the most consistent bloggers, I haven't really ever missed a day. Not because I'm obsessed or addicted to it, but it's really become a place for me to vent, to let it all out or just to talk about anything I want. It sure helps a lot.
So I ask for you patience, believe me, next week I'll be back in full force and probably venting or whining about something and the kids and the husband being gone.
This afternoon I had to run to the library to return some movies. Now you KNOW me, I can not walk into the library without getting something. It would be like sending me into a Dunkin Donuts without getting at least one donut.....mmmmm donuts, maple frosted or or or boston kreme. OH why do I do this to myself???
Anyway, I got:
Fern Michaels - Fool Me Once
Beverly Lewis - The Englischer
Beverly Lewis - The Brethren
Jennifer Crusie - Anyone But You
I love those authors so I'm dying to get into these books. I did read The Englischer before, well actually almost finished it, but then had to return it and forgot to recheck it out....yeah yeah, not very bright on my part, so I'm re-reading that one.
I got 3 movies too:
The Brothers Grimm - I've heard mixed reviews on this one, so I guess I'll see for myself.
{Proof} - Gwyneth Paltrow and Anthony Hopkins, the movie trailers looked good, will see.
White Oleander - From the novel by Janet Fitch, starring Michelle Pfeiffer.
Will probably watch those next week sometime, that's the beauty of getting them at the library, you get to keep them a whole week, isn't that great???
Well I better get off here, my laundry just finished washing so it's time to switch it to the dryer, then I need to check on hubby's packing and check on dinner etc.
Hope you're all having a wonderful saturday, I'll be back in the morning and this time I'll be able to go on my usual "Morning Blog Drive", oh how I've missed that!!!
God Bless,
Well the Slow Cooked Sirloin from yesterday, ended up being for today. We had to run out and get a few things done for hubby's TDY, so we grabbed a bite to eat while we were out.
Right now I have that wonderful Sirloin warming up in the crockpot and it really smells good. I'm going to fix some mashed potatoes to go with, and some veggies. For dessert we have Brownie Sundaes. Yummy!!!
Little People Big World - *New* TLC 9pm
Helping hubby pack
I cannot imagine how hard it iss on you and the kids when your husband leaves, but how HAPPY you all must be when he returns! Hopefully he doesn't forget anything, and hopefully nothing happens while he is gone. That IS weird, huh!
I love Beverly Lewis! Right now I am reading the Abram's Daughters series. I haven't read the Annie's People seris, yet, so that will have to be next!
We really liked Proof, but I love Anthony Hopkins, and cannot really tell you a movie he has been in that I HAVEN'T liked! White Oleander, I have watched it, but cannot remember how I really felt about it. I hope you enjoy them!
I hope you have a good night, take your time and don't worry about blogging, I am sure we will all be here when you return!
Hi Sandy,
I know it's been a tough week for you and with your hubby leaving, it's probably all a little overwhelming.
I think I'll say a little prayer for you that things go smoothly, you get all your strength back and begin to feel like you're a little more in control.
We got some fun movies in from Netflix and are watching Akeelah and the Bee tonight. After the craziness of this past week, we have the house to ourselves. Nice and quiet here.
Do remember to take things easy and get back into your regular routine slowly if you can. You've been pretty sick and a relapse is always worse than the original sickness.
Don't worry about keeping up with all of us. We're not going anywhere and will be right here when you have time to visit everyone again. :-)
Saying a prayer for you and the kids as hubby goes. I pray the time will go fast and before you know it he'll be walking in the door saying "I'm home!" Praying for all those little things that like to play with you while he's gone too!
I hope you get a little time to rest up this week after all the running you've been doing. It's good that the blog helps you vent. Me too.
I am reading Thr Preachers Daughter right now. I had blogged just a little bit about it yesterday. I think Beverly Lewis is one of the best authors out there. I like Janeette Oke also. I slso read Fern Michaels but have not tried Jennifer Cruise. I will have to give her a try.
The Brother's Grimm was kind of a strange movie. I didn't see Proof but heard it was good, and I liked White Oleander.
Fellow Military wife here..and yes I can attest to the "everything goes to pot the minute he leaves" syndrome...lol.oh my do I have some stories from the last times he was deployed....LOL....although now it's been 5 days for me and nothing's gone wrong........ yet...but....we still have 7 months to get thru so I'm not holding my breath...LOL
Good Luck!!
Hope you enjoyed the movies.
Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my 100th post.
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