I'm not used to this, I'm used to noise and chaos. Isn't it weird how we complain about these things and then the minute they stop we somehow get panicky "what's going on, why is everything so quiet and normal?".
It just goes to show that we're never really happy with the way things are,
Curt has been in combat training this week. Not only are they really long days, like 14 hours for them, but they're crawling through mud and getting downright dirty. He walked in the door last night and immediately stripped off his clothes, they went STRAIGHT in the washer, no one was allowed near him until after his shower. LOL
I have never seen so much dirt on a person, I didn't even know it was possible to accumulate so much.
Tomorrow he's back to midshift, or graveyard shift as some of you know. Not much time left before he leaves on Sunday and with school and work and life, time will just fly by.
I don't have much time to post today, have a couple errands and appointments to get to. I did finish the two meme's I was tagged for, so look on the post below for those.
You know I'm a HUGE General Hospital fan, or actually more of a Jason and Sam fan, but good grief lately it's really getting on my nerves. You know it's bad when a tv show can make your blood boil. I still can't stop watching it though, what to do what to do??? LOL
Anyway, I hope you're all having a wonderful day. Please say a prayer for the families of the little girls killed in yesterday's senseless shooting at the Amish Schoolhouse. What is this world coming to???
My thoughts and prayers are with the familes and the whole community.
God Bless,
I have a great Creamy Beef Stroganoff in the crockpot. It already smells delicious :)
I'll post the recipe for you all at the food blog later today.
Rachael Ray - *New* The CW 12pm
General Hospital - *New* ABC 1pm
WIC appointment
Running Errands
I know about the husband working all the time. Scott works 12-14 hours a day. We dont see him during the week much..but I tell ya....when it comes to Fridays and the weekend...we hog him to ourselves. We dont make alot of plans with family or friends so we can spend time with him. He loves it.
Have fun running errands,
I do the same thing about missing the things I think I don't like. For example, just today I said I was tired of the heat (still high 90's around here), but I know come January I'll be complaining because it's too cold...funny how we do that!!
Hope you have a great day!!
Hi Sandra!
Enjoy your nice quiet day! I'm sorry to hear about your husband's upcoming graveshift schedule. It doens't sound fun for the whole family.
Sandra, Nice to have a little quiet time, although, if you are like me you probably function better with all the sweet sounds of the kids playing or the rat a tat tat, of the washing maching going...lol
It'll be nice when your hubby is back on his normal shift and isn't bringing home all the dirt. :)
It was quiet around my house, too, today- I didn't even know that was possible with three boys! I needed it, though- had a headache, but am better now!
I am so saddened by the Amish school tragedy. It grieves my heart at how many school shootings there has been in just the past few WEEKS!
And, as a mom to baby that is allergic to milk, wheat, soy, egg, & peanut... I was glad to see Rachael Ray's topic today!!
Soak up all the quiet you can. It only comes in small doses! :)
Sounds like a wonderful quiet day for you..enjoy!! I so enjoy my visits here! Blessings to you and yours...
A quiet day is good. Personally, they're my favorites.
I sure hope that combat training doesn't mean Curt has to do a tour somewhere far or dangerous? I don't know how you military wives can handle it. Such strength and grace under pressure.
Well, enjoy your evening.
Enjoy the quiet, how long will that actually last with a 3 year old around.
I feel so sorry for those Amish families. I still can't believe this happened.
You truly are the crockpot queen.. Every recipe you make in there sounds divine.
Enjoy the quiet while you can (it doesn't get any quieter when they are teenagers either) ~ the beef stroganoff sounds yummy; I use the crockpot alot too.
Maybe being busy will make up for the calm of the house. Better to have one than both.
Hello =)! I just found you when I started here a few days ago. I did a post on the Amish tragedy yesterday. We have quite different lives...but I believe we share sunny dispositions =). I'll be here often.
I enjoy reading your blog and it brings back memories of when I had little ones around. A fun time in life and enjoy because it goes by so fast. Now I have the little grandchildren to enjoy. Come and visit me some time at September Morn.
I've learned that it's only when it's truly quiet that the REAL trouble starts ;)
Gonna go check out that recipe!
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