No matter how many times I witness the power of prayer in my life and in those close to me, it always takes me by surprise. I'm constantly in awe of His love!!!
I have an update about my MIL, most of you know what is going on because you've been reading my blog for a while, but for those that don't.
Back in August when my MIL was visiting us, she told us that she had just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It was a shock, especially for my husband and brother in law because their dad has just passed away 3 years ago due to cancer. The great thing about my MIL is that she's a devoted Christian, she's courageous and brave and I know that if anyone can deal with this prognosis, it would be her.
I posted that very same day about what was going on, and I asked for prayers for her. Of course being the wonderful blogging friends that you are, you all started praying and I want to thank you for the continued prayers, because they have already begun to pay off.
She recently started chemotherapy and she's had 3 chemo treatments so far, but here is the amazing thing.
This is an excerpt of the email we got last night, I'm just thrilled beyond words:
Do you believe in the power of prayer???? I sure do. And again I have proof that God is with me and answering the prayers that have gone out for me. Today I had my appointment with my doctor. He checked my tumor and said it has shrunk 50%. I thank and praise God for such a miraculous movement. The doctor was shocked. But I became excited immediately and gave God the glory for answered prayers. I had my third chemo treatment today. He wants me to get another mammogram. Then I may only have to have one more treatment. He is still talking about surgery -- but my prayer is that it will only be a lumpectomy. God is so good.Praise the Lord indeed, how wonderful is that???? How good He is. Thank you all again for praying for her and for continuing to do so. This is what she said at the end of her email, which I think is just great proof of how calm and collected she's been through it all:
You can pray for me but please DON'T WORRY about me. I am in good hands. God will be with me and see me through this.See she has the right attitude in dealing with this :) If you could continue to keep her in your prayers, I would really appreciate it!!!
So, it's cold here, and I know I've said it before, but this morning I actually had to scrape ice off my windshield. ICE.OFF.MY.WINDSHIELD!!! Something is not right here, it shouldn't be happening yet, which makes me think that we're heading for a really cold winter. Hopefully enough snow to make some good snowmen.
I was surprised at how fast yesterday went, I think the key is to stay busy. Before I knew it, it was bedtime, got the kids to sleep and then settled in for some TV and some reading. Catching up on the Bible, I might add. See I'm doing it again. I have this knack for getting extremely close to God and then suddenly things happen and before I know it, it's been a week or two since I last touched the Bible, and a while since I included Him in my day to day. I'm sure you understand that is exactly when things don't go quite as planned.
It all snowballs, from one tiny little incident to something slightly bigger and bigger, it just keeps rolling and I feel at times like I'm standing right in the path of that HUGE avalanche, desperately trying to get out of the way, but indirectly adding "fuel to the fire" so to speak.
Everyone always tells me that I seem to have it "all together", I seem to handle everything with such a positive attitude, and yes for the most part I do, but it takes a LOT out of me.
When I feel cornered I often think of myself as having "blinders" on. I am so focused on the here and now and the problem at hand, that I tend to overlook God. It's sad but true!!!
So I'm trying really hard to include Him again in everything I do, every little thing, it doesn't matter if I'm scrubbing toilets, washing dishes or fixing dinner, He loves me and He is interested in everything that I do, even the not so glamorous aspects.
So that's where I'm at right now, trying to find my way back to that wonderful calm and comfort that I felt not so long ago. It won't be easy I'm sure, nothing worth having ever is, but I'm willing to put up with whatever comes my way.
It's my turn to send in the class snack tomorrow, so I'm going to be baking Cookies on a Stick, the kids love them. They are extremely easy to make and it's a nice change from the usual plain cookies right???
I'm out off here, I have my cold coffee miserably sitting on my desk....it's beckoning for a refill and I'm only too happy to oblige. Have a wonderful day everyone!!!
For dinner we're making pizza, the kids love helping me and adding their own toppings. The recipe I'll be using for the dough, can be found here on my blog, it's a wonderful pizza dough recipe and the it always bakes up to a golden fluffy crust, it's just delicious.
Rachael Ray - *New*- The CW- 12pm
A mystery taster visits. Also: inexpensive table decorations.
General Hospital - *New* -ABC- 1pm
Elizabeth learns some important news about Maxie.
NCIS - *New* - CBS - 7pm
The murder of a petty officer who was working undercover as part of an arms operation leads the agents to a Russian spy, but Homeland Security throws a wrench in the case when they claim that the spy is working for them.
Law & Order SVU - *New* - NBC - 9pm
Dani (Connie Nielsen) has difficulty controlling her emotions while working to solve a sadistic double rape-homicide case involving a single mother and her young daughter. Jerry Lewis guest stars as a homeless man who becomes a suspect.
Cleaning upstairs bathroom
Cleaning driveway and backyard
Praise the Lord for your MIL, that is amazing news!!! She will stay in my prayers as my MIL has, through the grace of God, beat cancer a couple of times!!
Sandra what a beautiful uplifting post! Also the cookies you are making for the kids look great! Have a great day! Laura
Oh what wonderful, encouraging news for her. And her email is precious. She has such a positive attitude and I know that's half the battle.
I like your attitude, too, Sandra. If God gives you snow, make snowmen!
I am so glad to hear how the power of prayer is working its wonders in your MIL's situation. I will keep praying. God is so awesome. He promises to hear our prayers and bingo, he does something to show us he is right here. I can never understand how people can deny the fact that God is alive and working miracles every day. What a great thing he is doing for your MIL. He really is making himself known. I pray things stay on track and she makes a full recovery.
I am going over now to get the pizza dough recipe. I love homemade pizza and so do my kids. I am always trying new dough and sauce recipes.
Praise God on your MIL!!! And...can I live where you do?? Our temps are too warm (think sweating) for New York. Yuck. I love crisp cool days and instead I'm in capris and flip flops. On October 10th. This is wrong!! Great post, as usual!
Praise God for the great news with your mom in law! And isn't she precious with her uplifting attitude, what a testimony!
Glad you're day went quickly yesterday. And thanks for the reminder to bring God into the big and the little of our day. He loves us so much and wants that relationship and fellowship with us!
What a mighty God we serve!!!!!!!! And yes, isn't the power of Prayer AWESOME?!?!?! I am so thrilled to hear about your MIL and will continue to keep her in my prayers!
I can totally identify with your statement about getting busy and putting God on the backburner (my paraphrasing) -- I am guilty of it, but with much prayer, I have found myself getting a little better at it. I WANT to have it altogether and sometimes I forget that God IS a part of ALL I do - and so, in His gentle, loving way, He reminds me that I need Him!!!! :)
Hang in there --- and glad to hear as well that your day went quickly!! Though I've never had a military hubby - the times I am forced to do it all alone for business trips or 24 hour shifts, I find they go extremely quick, because on my own there is NO downtime until night and then I am ready to crash too!! :) You are in my prayers!
what wonderful news about your MILs tumor shrinking 50%!! Thanks for sharing the good news and I will continue to keep her in my prayers!
Oh what great news!!
The Lord is Good!
God is good. My sister isd a breast cancer survivor. I paused to pray for your MIL.
I am puff, puff, puffing through in Dr. John's Marathon.
That is great news for everyone. I will keep you all in my prayers.
Thanks for your prayer for my baby girl. I will be sure and put one in for MIL. Good luck.
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