than having the love of your life back home with you. It doesn't matter if he's gone a year or months or weeks, just watching him walk toward you is sure to send you to cloud nine. That's how I felt last night as I saw him approaching us with a big smile on his face.....the kids screamed out "DADDY" and took off running towards him, they jumped him before he even put his bags down.
Me being the mommy, I had to wait my turn, which meant being last, and those are the times I wish I was the kid so I could run up and claim first hug LOL
But no matter because the minute he got to me and his arms went around me, all was well with the world, really, is there anything better than being in your husband's arms????
So I'm a happy woman this morning, for the first time in the past two weeks I slept peacefully knowing that he was right there keeping us all safe. I'm in Heaven!!!
My heart goes out though to all the other thousands of wives who are still awaiting the return of their husband from Iraq or wherever their deployments may have taken them, I just hope and pray that very soon they'll be able to wrap their arms around their hubbies :)
Last night we had The Ultimate Meatballs and Spaghetti Supper, it was soooo good, and the kids kept going on and on about how they loved the meatballs. You know I used a mixture of Ground Pork and Beef and it really does taste wonderful.
While we're on the subject of meatballs, you may want to give my Portuguese Meatballs a try, they're different than the usual ones, because they're not cooked in tomato sauce, but I'm sure you'll enjoy them anyway. I use the same recipe to make my homemade Sausage Biscuits...they're delicious.
It feels wonderful to be back in the kitchen, cooking a meal for the family. For dinner tonight I'm making Apple Cider Chicken, and I've posted the recipe as you can see, so go on over and take a look if that sounds yummy to you.
While talking to hubby this morning about what he did in Vegas for fun...he told me about the Las Vegas Renaissance Faire that he and a friend got to go to. I am so jealous, if there is ONE thing that I LOVE is anything medieval, and for the longest time hubby and I have wanted to go to one of these Faires, so I don't blame him for going given the chance. I'm SO thrilled that he got to go and see a Joust and sword fights, everyone dressed in medieval costumes, fairies and elves, Pirate Ships having canon ball fights, and he even got to eat chicken on a stick (which he says was really good) and a HUGE turkey leg. He LOVED it, I don't blame him, though I do feel disappointed and jealous that I wasn't able to join him. LOL
But you know there's always next year :)
Doesn't that look like fun??? Seriously, if you're ever near a Renaissance Faire in your area, be sure to go, it's a great way to spend a family day. My kids are dying to go, and when daddy was telling them about the horses in armor and the battles, they were just thrilled.
I got all my housework done yesterday, so today I'm able to relax and do whatever I want to. Hubby is playing a game on his computer, relaxing while the kids are rediscovering Video Tapes. Do you know that we have tons of them, and for the longest time they seemed to be set aside because, let's face it, with DVD's nowadays, who buys video tapes anymore, certainly not me.
But this morning while hubby was looking through his DVD Movie Collection, the kids all of a sudden realized that there's tapes. So they've been sitting on the couch, with a blanket and a bowl of popcorn, watching Rolie Polie Olie, Dumbo, Charlotte's Web and Fern Gully. It's pure bliss watching them sitting there having a nice relaxing day.
So I plan on spending this afternoon, reading or knitting, or maybe watching a movie. Just being happy and content with my life and my family, seems that the minute Curt came home, my sanity was returned. Nothing like him to ground me and make me feel normal again, I am ONE.LUCKY.LADY!!!
Before I leave, I want to remind you of some great things going on in blog land, beginning tomorrow.
Gibee at Kisses of Sunshine is hosting a Homemade with Love feature.
Write a post about homemade gifts for Christmas and then go on over and add your name to Mr Linky so you can share it with others, I'm sure you'll be getting tons of great ideas from the other participants too :)
Jennifer from Snapshots is hosting a Gift Idea Exchange, go on over and read the rules if you want to participate.
And finally also starting this week, Theresa at Bullfrogs and Butterflies is starting the Blog-O-Lantern contest. She encourages us to carve a pumpkin and then show it off for everyone to see, she's have a post up with Mr Linky so you can add your name and allow others to see your work of art.
I want to send a HUGE hug and kiss to my family in South Africa, I loved talking to them yesterday and I miss them terribly. Love you guys!!!
You all have a wonderful Sunday and I'll see you here tomorrow morning :)
Ya, for you guys, he's home! You talk so lovingly of your hubby it's a joy to read!
Renasaince faires sound fun! We have guys that do the weapon fighting in the park here every Monday in the summer and anyone can watch.
Have a great day with your hubby and kids!
This filled me with warm fuzzies all over! The one good thing about being last in line for the hug is that there's no one in line behind you and you can have the loooongest hug of all! So glad he's home safe and sound.
I'm so glad Curt's home, Sandra. I know everything is back to normal now but give yourself a huge pat on the back. You did a great job of holding down the fort while he was gone.
This was a really pleasant post to read this afternoon. You sound so happy and content.
I made your Grandma's Gingersnap Cookies today. They're cooling on racks and then I'll make them into sandwich cookies with vanilla frosting. Thank you for that recipe. They smell heavenly and are so much softer than gingersnaps normally are.
You have a blessed and peaceful Sunday, too.
I'm so happy for you guys. I can only imagine your joy.
The fair looks like fun. I would love to go to one. Great photos.
I'm so happy your hubby is back home in your arms! You're right - nothing feels better!
I miss Andrew while he's gone at work during the day, I can't imagine having him gone as long as you had to endure. I'm new to your blog but thanks for your family's sacrifice and what that means for our country. You deserve a lot of gratitude and thanks.
I am so glad for you that your hubby is home!!! I miss mine when he goes on a 1-2 night business trip - can't imagine 2 weeks OR LONGER! You military wives have my votes!!! ((((Hugs)))) to you all!
Happy for you that your Hubby is home. The Renaisance faire must have been a blast!
Sandra: I wanted to put up your holiday traditions button in my sidebar. Do you have a code for that?
Glad your hubbie is safe and at home.....there is nothing like family
I'm sitting here BAWLING as I read your post. I'm waiting for my husband to come back from Iraq. He has been over there since April 4. He should get home on Oct 29...SUNDAY!!!! I'm so excited. I think you wrote out just how I feel about having your hubby with you! I WANT to hear him SNORE again!!!
So glad to hear your hubby is home and everybody is happy! So cool he got to go the Rennisance faire, I love that kind of stuff too :)
I'm suprised my computer is actually letting me comment today, it usually just gives me a blank screen. But i do read everyday!
Those pictures are awesome. I have a friend here who's sister goes to these fairs especially when they are in California where she lives and she does the dressing up and all that. I think this sounds like a lot of fun. I would love to get to do that someday.
Glad to hear you all had a nice relaxing day.
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