I hear a knock at the door and I open it to find the UPS man with this HUGE box in his hand....he hands it to me and asks if I can carry it
"it's a little heavy" he says. Oh Pfftttt......really, I can carry this....I say grabbing it from him and smiling through my gritted teeth because indeed it is kinda heavy...what the heck is in there?
I open it and find this inside, I literally jumped for joy and my family came running to figure out what the commotion was. I guess they thought I had opened the door to Publisher's Clearing House, but to me it was even better than a check for money.....because you see, the wonderful people at Crock Pot sent me this:

One of their newer slow cooker models, for little ol' me. They read my blog and saw the Slow Cooking Thursdays and then contacted me to find out if I would be interested in trying one of their newer models. Uhh....are you KIDDING me? Not only interested, literally begging LOL So I want to thank Crock Pot and Merideth specifically, you guys rock :) And I have to thank you my wonderful faithful readers that participate in my Slow Cooking Thursday every week.
I'll be using the crockpot tomorrow and then I'll tell you all about it and you can be sure that I'll be thinking of you all while I play with my new toy. Oh and
PLAY I will...I'm more excited than I was when I was pregnant with Nicholas and found out that the base hospital had just started using epidurals. LOL
Looks like a winner if you ask me..
How great for you! I know you'll love it!
Wow, how nice is that?!! Very exciting and I know you will put it to good use!
How VERY exciting! I completely know your joy! I can't wait to hear all about it :) You are oh so deserving!
ps I am loving every second of Christy! I just finished episode 10 and have 11-13 to watch tonight! Woot! What do you think of Tales from Avonlea? I put the entire North and South miniseries on my queue for when I'm done with Christy and the Tudors! Did you ever see it?
That is the COOLEST !! Look at that thing !!! My crock pot died - sadly - while it had a meal in it ! I came to check it after, oh 6 hours or so, and it was STONE COLD !! So now ... the bowl stores my potatoes !! I'll be buying a new crock pot soon ! But I don't really use it much in the summer so I'm kinda waitin' til Fall to go buy a new one ! Can't wait to hear all about this one ... maybe it will be one to consider !
how come I don't get mail like that??
What a blessing, Sandra!!! Your new crock pot looks beautiful. Can't wait to hear all about how it cooks, etc.
oh, i also wanted to let you know that I like your new blog design. Speaking of designs, I should probably switch back to the previous one, huh?!? lol All in good time. lol
Now you need to start a Ferrari Friday and see what comes in the mail...
Drool! Drool! Way too cool... I want all the details!
Oh how fun, and free on top of it- bonus!!!!!
Can't wait to hear all about it.
Good Morning Sandra,
Oh my gosh, you lucky woman you. You get to play with a new toy. I know you are very excited about trying it out. I would be too. I do have a question. Do the people send you stuff like that all the time to try things out for them? Just curious here. It looks like a very nice Crock Pot. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Can't wait to hear what you think of the new crockpot!
Wow, that's awesome! If anyone deserves it, it would be you.
Thanks for the link love below on the wedding dress post.
How fun! That's a great mail day!
Oh WOW! That is a nice crockpot.
Oh wow, that's so awesome! I love that they read your blog and would offer to send you that to try :) Can't wait to hear what you think. Be sure to let us know what's new and different about it :) Mine is an older model, but works just fine!
Oh how cool!!
Your so funny! I just watched the video of the tire swing incident. Ohhh I had to laugh I'll admit I have done the exact thing.
I love your new template!
Have a great week=)
wow, thats awesome Sandra..
Enjoy it..
Yay for you!! I know you will give that crock pot a run for it's money! I am sure you will be able to give a well-rounded review as well! :) Hopefully some amazing recipes will come of this too :)
You're right, this is just as good as Publishers clearing house.
oh lucky girl!!!I hope that you enjoy it.:)
How nice Sandra!!! You really deserve this nice gift! Aguardando receitas novas! Beijos
I'm so jealous! I've never seen such a cool crock pot! Have fun!
Oh my goodness! How absolutely wonderful! Okay, I'm just a teeny, weeny bit jealous but you really do deserve this. Enjoy it and let us know how it works!
im completely jealous, i have to have one now!! :D
i wonder if kelly will let me buy one...i've always thought it would be rather clever to be able to use the stoneware part in any cooking device, because sometimes....it just...fits.
how fun! :D
Hmmmm, thinks...perhaps I should start a Ferrari Friday?
What a great gift, how wonderful!! You'll have to let us know how you get on with it.
Sarah x
Oh lol, just noticed someone else has beaten me to the Ferrari Friday idea!! :)
...Aston Martin Mondays here I come!!!!
How great is that?! I'm so happy for you. Enjoy! :-)
(By the way, your blog looks beautiful!)
oh my goodness!!! No kidding?? that is aWESOME!!! i am so happy for you!!! Hope you have fun with it!!! :)
Congratulations! My Rival is missing in action... someone borrowed but who was it???
Crockpot lady sent me to see your new model!
I look at your newer posts to see how you like it!
With Kindness,
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