It's been a weird day I would say. I must have pulled a muscle while sleeping cause my neck feels all stiff and it's hard to look to the side, nothing like a kink in the neck to make you find muscles you had no idea existed. Who knew that taking a sip of your favorite drink would have you wincing in pain and snapping your head forward so fast that you're lucky you don't have whiplash. I've used some Vicks on it and it seems to be working.
So it's 6:43 pm and I've got dinner done, the dishes washed and I'm just blogging for a little before I do the baths and night routine and settle in to watch American Idol.

I don't have much to talk about today, it's one of those blah days so I'll just share some of my favorite blogs with you.
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman - If you have never been to this site you have NO idea what you're missing. This woman is not only hilarious, she is an amazing cook and she takes the best photos ever. If you love horses and ranches especially you really need to go look. Ree has now started putting up some of her wonderful photos for us to print out and really....I am SO doing it.
My Cup Runeth Over - One of my favorite homesteading blogs......
Lily's House - I just love visiting this blog, the owner lives in England and just this week posted some pictures of her trip to Dartmoor. Beautiful!
The Vintage Home - If you're like me and love vintage stuff, you have to check this blog out :)
That looks yummy.
I pulled something in my back today lifting izzy in a weird way. I'm praying I wake up tomorrow and the pain is gone!!
Ouch, sorry to hear about your neck, Sandra. I hope it's feeling better tomorrow! Your dinner looks delicious, now I'm hungry..hehee. I LOVE PW's blog!
that dinner does look good! Hope your neck feels better!
How neat the experience you all had being able to meet Jason Bell and get his autograph!
Good Early Morning Sandra,
The Sky is beautiful. You always seem to get some beautiful pictures from Arizona. I do enjoy seeing GOD'S beauty everywhere. "THANK YOU" for sharing it with us. I do hope your neck is feeling better. I get those cricks in my neck. That's what we call them here in the South. LOL. My DH tells me it's because I sleep on too many pillows. LOL. I sleep on 3 pillows to tell the truth. I have to have them tho. Your dinner looks yummy. My mouth is watering now. Hey, it's always a good thing when you can freeze a dish and have it later. I have just finished putting up a post. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
THAT looks sooooo goooooood ! I'm hungry. It's almost dinner and I'm waiting for my meat to marinate ... almost there !
Your comment on my food blog cracked me up !! Glad you found it though ... I think there's some good stuff there ! It's not just me blogging there. I started it, but my Mom, sister, 2 cousins, friends, friends of friends, and a lady I met in blogland all contribute ! It's fun !!
Ok ... heading over to your food blog to see if your recipe is posted yet ! And then I'm gonna copy the URL and add your food blog to my google reader ! Don't know why I haven't done that yet !!
I hope your neck feels better. Cricks in the neck are never fun.
That cheesy kielbasa looks so good.
I think I would definitely like Idaho better too. Idaho is beautiful.
I've done that before while sleeping- it's amazing how every little move hurts.
That recipe looks great- I'm going to try that for sure!
I hate it when I pull a muscle anywhere. It makes things uncomfortable. Your recipe looks amazing.
Today may be my blah day...feeling that way at least.
I'm a huge fan of making two big pans of something and freezing one. I do it all the time. It's always so nice to just pull dinner out of the freezer when you're too busy or just not in the mood to cook.
Thanks for the links. I love Ree too. She's amazing.
Oh poor you, a kink in the neck is a...pain in the neck! I hope it loosens up.
I enjoy Ree's blog too. Your dinner looks yummy!
Hugs n' love.
Sarah x
I would like to see the sky look like that in Mich. we are freezing under blankets of snow that won't stop..
Dinner looks very yummy!!
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I had to find out the hard way, "Tales from Avonlea" and "Road to Avonlea" are the same thing! I ordered the 1st disc of each one from Netflix and they were identical! If you Google both names some articles come up telling you that the name was changed at one point. Also, the websites you posted on your blog? If you go to the place where they show you the names of the episodes, you will see they are the same.
I know it's sad. I've felt your pain. lol
There are seven seasons and several discs in each season, I think -- so we still have a lot to watch!
What's next? Little House on the Prairie? We need somewhere to go after this! haha
Oh, I did put "Pollyanna" in my queue -- all this GOODNESS!
yummy....lovely....ill check them out asap..
we all caught a virus. being sick sucks, being sick with a child sick sucks, being sick with kelly and all five kids?....i may not survive ;)
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