The weather has started warming back up, not that we even had a winter like the rest of the country, it got a little cooler but I never had to wear a sweater or a coat. Today it was gorgeous outside, hot, deep blue sky and just amazing.
We had a really good day, it started with my Butter Pecan Rolls for breakfast and if you missed my previous small post about them, you have NO idea what you're missing, run don't walk to get the recipe, they're sinful.
At lunch time Curt had to go out to get some oil and anti-freeze for my car so he decided to stop by the BEST pizza place just outside the base. They're called New York Deli Pizza and OH.MY.GOODNESS.....the pizza is to die for.....but the funniest thing was watching Curt try to walk through the door with the pizza in his hand. He ordered a large and well, the large was enough to feed the whole base *snicker*
Just take a look at the size, I even put a soda can in there so you can see the difference. Needless to say we have pizza for a couple days and I don't have to cook, which is fine by me, I love pizza and I love taking a break. I bet you though that by tomorrow night everyone will be sick of it and begging mommy to cook.

After lunch I got the oil and anti-freeze in my car and headed to the library. My secret get away, it's almost like going on a date, I get all dressed up which for me as a SAHM means slipping out of the sweat pants and putting on a nice pair of jeans and a top, styling my hair, some make up and even a spritz of perfume. Oh what a rebel I am *snort*
There's something very relaxing about walking in a library, shelf through shelf, book through book. Your head softly tilted to the side so you can read the titles (or am I the only one that does that *looks around unsure*). You see one that looks good, then another, then another, then...well you get the picture. I can't ever just pick one, there have to be a few. So by the time I left this was my check out pile:
Day Trips from Phoenix, Tucson and Flagstaff - Weather is getting hot, so it means we'll be out of the house every weekend.
Daughters of Lancaster County Series:
The Storekeeper's Daughter by Wanda E. Brunstetter
The Quilter's Daughter by Wanda E. Brunstetter
Whence Came a Prince by Liz Curtis Higgs
Grace in Thine Eyes by Liz Curtis Higgs
Candle in the Darkness by Lynn Austin
Fire by Night by Lynn Austin

By the time I got home, I was in the mood to get out of the house, it was just beautiful outside, so we loaded the kids into the wagon, grabbed some water bottles and the camera and off to the park we went. They were THRILLED, it had been a while since they'd been there and they were just eager to get in there and play.
Now the thing is, Curt and Jasmine tend to go off and do their own thing which usually means a game of tag with a ball and running around etc. Nicholas doesn't like that, he is quiet and likes playing on the slides or with the sand or whatever....he just has absolutely NO patience for running. LOL
But what he really wanted was just for me to be the photographer while his yoshi had fun at the park and I tell you, as reluctant as I was at first, I had no idea how much fun this would be for us both. So next time you go to the park with your kids, encourage them to take along one of their favorite toys or dolls and let them make up the story. I took all the pictures then came home and made a little video using the theme song from the Yoshi Video Game. Nicholas is thrilled and Jasmine is so envious that she is now working on her own Yoshi Adventure. It's the simple things I tell you.
Since the cars both needed to be washed, that's exactly what we did, we washed, we scrubbed, we played with water, we got soaked.........then aired the tires of both cars and by the time that was done, it was getting dark, the sun was setting and again we had a beautiful sky to show it. That is the ONE thing I love about Arizona, the sky.
So I leave you with random pictures I took today while outside....starting with the morning sun and ending with the beautiful sunset and the moon. You might want to go grab a cup of tea or coffee and get comfortable, there's quite a few :) Enjoy!
Now that is my kind of pizza! Wow.
I'm with Nicholas. I have no patience for running either. But I sure have patience for trying one of those buns! Yum!
I think you and I would have quite the time in a library. I loooove the library. I don't know why I never went to university for library sciences. I've loved them and working in them since I was a kid and helped in the school library.
It's been a whole "month or two" since you've been able to wear shorts & flip flops????
I've got 2 feet of snow in my front yard! I'm living in the frozen tundra! You lucky, spoiled brat ;)
I'm totally making those Butter Pecan Rolls. Soon. Your recipe page ties with Pioneer Woman's for my fav food blog.
And ok. That pizza's the size of a house. Never have I seen the like! I laughed when I realized the Diet Coke can was for scale. haha!
You had a VERY productive day! I wish I could cram all that into a single day!
Happy Weekend!
and P.S.! I feel the EXACT same way about walking into a library! Or a bookstore, for that matter. Libraries are better, though. Going to the library w/o kids is my favorite date!
That pizza sure looks good.. and looks awfully familiar.. especially the size. Maybe I was stationed at your base.. You wouldn't happen to be at Luke are you?
I miss the warmth.
Okay, that IS a huge pizza but it looks delicious! Great Yoshi story!
I am jealous of the warm weather and the pizza. I can not wait until spring is really here.
I was thinking about you yesterday, I friend of mine is named Christy and she was named after your "Christy." I thought it was funny because without your blog I would have had no idea who she was talking about.
It sounds like a perfect day. I'm going to the library with Madison after church and lunch today. I'm going to look for some more cook books. Have a great day..hope the sun is shining for you. It will be here but the high is only 31....aghhhhh..
Good Morning Sandra,
Ohmygosh, what a Pizza I must say. It does look good tho. You know, years ago, we were at a Pizza place and they showed us the biggest they make and it was the size of a wagon wheel. I couldn't beleive it. I don't know if they still do that or not, because I haven't been there in years. I have always heard that New York Deli Pizza's are very good. We don't have one of those kind around here tho. Don't feel bad, when I go to the library here, I turn my head sideways so I can read the title's of the books. LOL. You nearly have to. I loved the "Yoshi Adventure" that you did. That was so cute and one day Nicholas can look back on that. You did a great job in putting it together. The pictures of the Sunrise and the blue skies and the Sunset are just breathtaking. I have to say that the Sky is more beautiful in Arizona than here in Arkansas. I guess we have too much pollution or something here. "THANK YOU" for sharing some beautiful pictures with us again. I finally put up a post this morning and hopefully things will get back to normal since my DH left for work this morning. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Oh, Sandra, How I wish I was where you are right now, we are getting yet another storm, blowing snow swirling in the air so bad you can't see 10ft. in front of you, temps in the single figures, its 3 here with windchill -21. Church was cancelled as everything else. Not nice so wish me there with you ok???
Awww, I love it that you are totally enjoying the weather. Grrrreat!
And for the 'umpteenth' time ~ Oh your daughter's hair is soo beautiful. She herself is, totally beautiful. I love it, that it's curly... wavy, all on its own. My red headed grand's was not. Now it 'wants to' wave, but that's 'cause she wears it long now.
'Tom boy' that she was, it had to be cut off in a blowl or 'Christopher Robbin' type cut, when she was smaller. NO waves allowed. -sigh-
Good thing she lived far away, during those years. I'd have had fits of frustration, not being able to dooooooooooooo anything with it! :-(((((( Either she or I, would not have made it through such time!!!!!! lol.
Are you taunting me? Flip flops and all those pictures of sunny blue skies? It is really quite horrible here today. I am at work and had a really bad drive in. The police are telling everyone to stay off the road. I wish I could send a little snow your way!
Now that is one heck of a pizza!
I love Yoshi's story! Lol. He kept getting stuck didn't he? :)
Love your sky pictures, the sky is sooo blue!
Hugs n' love
Sarah x
Oh my word Sandra, I am so jealous of you and all that sun right about now. We've got so much snow it'll still be at least 3 months before it all goes away :(
Very cute videos!
Well we had another snow attack last night and today. We're home all bundled up again. Even I am getting tired of the snow!
I am making the rolls today- can't wait!
Hehehehe I've just ordered the book Christy, it'd better be good girl! I've bought it on your recommendation ;)
Sounds like a great time!!
OMG the Yoshi and Nicholas video was sooo cute it made me want to cry. What a special mom you are indeed! I never really post comments but I just had to let you know how special that was -- my kids would have LOVED that at his age. Love your site, visit it all the time and trying out some of your recipes this week. I know what you mean about the weather and wanting to be outside -- it's supposed to be around 75 here today. Keep up the great blogging!
THat is a seriously huge pizza. It reminds me of the one I got at Costco one time (to bake at home) and it wouldn't fit in my full sized oven. I can't even remember how I warmed it up.
I hope you enjoyed it!
That is one BIG pizza !!!
I am with you ... I love the library too ! My kids do too ... it's a great place for us to go together ! Actually, you've reminded me. I think my books might be due soon ! Better pop over to the library website next !!
I loooooove the Yoshi story ! What a clever lady you are Sandra !! What did you use to put it together and add the music ?
Ahhhh ... sky photos ! I love 'em too ... as you know ! :)
oh my gosh.. i wish it were spring here... you are making me jealous! lol!
loved the video! great idea!
I loved the video! So adorable! Going to the library by myself with no kids is one of my favorite things to do. When I have a mommy night that is what I usually do.
sounds like a beautiful day you all had..The pizza is huge..
i need to go to the library and see if i can find a book on how to sew pillows...:-)
have a great monday..
Oh my cow. That is the biggest pizza I've ever seen in my LIFE!
Just had to say that.
That is all.
Its been so long since I have seen blue sky - I forgot what it looked like !]
those rolls look yummy !
Thanks for coming by my blog!
We had a beautiful day over here in Mountain View, Ca. as well- I wore a dress for the first time in ages! Love those fresh spring breezes and how the trees are blooming. :)
Loved, loved, loved all the pics! Totally awesome Yoshi story, as well. Looking forward to seeing Jasmine's story.
We had some nice weather over this weekend. It actually got into the 70s. Although, according to the weather report, the weather is suppose to drop again later this week. Bummer!
Have a great week! TTYS
I am still wanting that pizza. By the way I passed an award on to you. See you soon.
Oh to have heat and sunshine together! We have sunshine at the moment....rare in Ireland!!....but no heat! :o(
I love your choice of books! The Liz Curtis Higgs and Wanda Brunstetter books are brill. You'll love them! I have one Lynn Austin book. I'll have to look for the other ones.
I could spend hours in a bookshop or library but chance would be a fine thing!
Wow, now that's a pizza! That thing is huge :)
You sound like me - going to the library or {gasp} a bookstore is like a huge treat. I have a different set of Wanda Brunstetter books in my TBR pile. I haven't read her yet, but I do like the Amish ones by Beverly Lewis, so I thought I'd like her. I read "Thorn in my Heart" last year, and need to get those other 2 Liz Curtis Higgs books. I'm so jealous your library had them! Mine does not, so I'll have to get them to request them through inter-library-loan. Let us know how you like them!
Love all of the pictures! The sky is beautiful and so warm and peaceful looking :)
Have a great day!
man i miss living on base....i miss kelly being in the air force...i miss you guys!...i miss mountain home, and just so you know its so cold here i'm shivering just thinking about outside. -.- im envious.
have you ever had one of those days? ...ever since i've started this job it's been one after the other.
your blog sure does cheer me up, though. hope i dont get in too much trouble for peeking while working. (it IS lunch break though, so what's the harm??)
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