Of course being a blogger the camera is always attached to your hip, waiting for that great blogging photo or video. (ok maybe not literally stuck to your hip, but always within arm's reach)
I grabbed the digital camera and recorded their dancing. If you feel like going aawwwwww and then laugh too, go ahead and click on the videos below.
That's Nicholas and I just want to squeeze those puffy cheeks....he can't even keep a straight face while dancing LOL
Here's Jasmine, she's not extremely coordinated if truth be told but she LOVES dancing and prancing around so I love watching her.
And here are the kiddos together, the last part of the video had me in tears especially because at one point it looks like Jasmine is about to spank his little butt. LOL
I realize I didn't do a Greatest Places on Earth post this morning, I'm moving it to tomorrow if that's ok, I don't want to just throw out any old post and Nicholas is really sick with a fever and runny nose. There's a flu virus going around the area and a lot of people continually sick. I'm seeming to dodge it, I've been taking Airborne and it seems to be helping.
On to moving news, next week wednesday we get to find out which house we're moving to, then if the house is already empty we can go ahead and move right away or wait until the end of the month for the current residents to leave. One thing is for sure, Curt and I want to move as soon as possible to be over and done with, I'm supposed to be working on our trip to Africa and have no time for other stuff right now LOL
But don't worry I'll bring you along for the move, if only I could actually BRING you physically along it would go so much faster wouldn't it? *snicker*
Our trip is coming along well, we are just waiting for the tax return now so that we can purchase our tickets. The kids are super excited, I'm sure not as excited as mommy is, I can't believe it's been almost 10 years since I've been home and the family has yet to meet the kids. It's about time they do and you know I don't like asking for prayers for myself, but if you could all keep us in your prayers that everything is taken care of and we're able to go, I would forever be indebted. :)

Look at that beautiful morning sky? If I could have it my way, I would be outside all day, just lounging on a chair, coffee cup in hand and watching the changing sky, the clouds rolling by, the color from grey to deep blue and then to pinkish orange as the sun sets. No need for anything else to make me happy.
I've realized that things that made me happy when I was younger are completely different to what brings me happiness and contentment now.
Before I got married, having the latest fashionable clothes, great hairstyle, manicured finger nails and being in the "know" was it for me, I felt pretty accomplished. Then I got married, had children and became a housewife and I don't say that in a mocking tone, I know that a SAHM and Housewive is at times looked down at, it's like we're being lazy and not really contributing to society which I find completely idiotic, but that's my opinion of course.
But nowadays, having a clean house, happy kids, a hot homemade meal, the bills paid and a good book in my hand is extremely gratifying, it makes all the pressures and responsibilities of being a grown up, worth it. Not to say that I don't yearn at times for my family and for being the one taken care of, but it's the simple things that bring a smile to my face. I'm happy, I'm content and I wouldn't trade the life I have right now for anything in this world. I'm not one for "what if's", you know how some people think about life and how things would be different had they taken a left turn instead of a right? Or married so and so, or moved to this place or that place?
I never ask what if, I never regret! It is what it is and IT is exactly the life that I wanted for myself. What about you? Are you happy with your life as it is? What simple things bring you contentment?
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”
Cute videos and a beautiful blue sky - that makes me smile. I'm not a SAHM but the things you mentioned are the things that make me feel fulfilled too. Enjoy it, don't feel unimportant because as that old saying goes - "the hand that rocks the cradle, rocks the world!"
That sky was beautiful. I am a sahm- it's what I've always wanted too. I have such a good feeling when I make a nice supper that everyone likes.
The dancing is so cute. I love watching my kids dance it always brings a smile to my face.
You guys will be in my prayers that everything goes well. You must be so excited about your trip and seeing your family.
I love that quote, is it your words?
The videos are so cute!! I love them. Awww I wish I could show you my kiddies dancing, Squidge in particular loves to dance.
My contentment depends on whether I have PMT or not ;) Hehehehe. But you are so right though.
Hugs dear friend
Those dancing kids are hilarious ! I love the second one ! They were really gettin' into it.
I'm sooooo excited for you to be able to go to Africa and see your family. I took the kids to the States last year for 6 weeks. (I'm American living in Australia) It was so good for them to experience that part of who they are and to spend so much time with my side of the family. At the end of this year we are hoping to take them to Spain ... where I was born and lived a large portion of my life. I haven't been back to Spain since '91 ( I don't have family there, it's just the "place" that we'll be visiting !) Anyway ... I "get" your excitement and it makes me excited FOR you !!
And I have to agree with you ... My life is exactly the life I wanted for myself too. ( Well ... except that I'd like to have a private jet so that I can hop round to visit my family and friends who are spread around the world !! But other than that, it's all good !! ha ha)
Oh they are too cute Sandra!
Praying all goes well with the upcoming move (I can't believe they put you in those houses knowing they were tearing them down before a year was even up! well I can believe it actually LOL) and also praying all the plans for your trip to Africa go smoothly!
the kids are always so adorable..
happy moving, what a pain though..
prayers for everything to go smoothly for you and the trip..
Hopefully, because it's close, this move won't be too hard, Sandra. What a pain, though.
Anyone who says being a SAHM is being lazy, has never been one. There's no harder job in the world!
Hi Sandra :) I love being a Sahm sure there some days but oh it's lovely when cute things come out of their mouths.and the hugs and kisses:) I'm so excited for you on your trip to S.A.I was last there at 4 years old *don't remember it though :( * I'm sure Nicholas and Jasmine will love it!!!I'm sorry that you have to move again ugh!!!but hopefully it will go well..
They are so cute!!!
Good Evening Sandra,
Those video's are just priceless. Kids do have a way to make things better when we Mom's are down and not feeling worth a crap. Pardon my french there. LOL. "THANK YOU" for sharing those video's of your precious children with us. They are both very adorable and I know you are one very proud Mother. The Sky is beautiful as well. People who put SAHM'S down, don't know the first thing about being a SAHM. Trust me, it's the hardest job on earth there is I think. That's my opinion anyway. It is such a great feeling to be a SAHM. Since my DH drives a truck and is gone alot, he wants me to be the one to take care of our girls. Plus do the other things that needs to be done like paying bills, running errands, and taking the girls to their activities. We may not have as much as some people have, but we are very happy and content with what we do have and we wouldn't have it any other way. I will be praying that your trip will go as planned. I know you are wanting to go see everyone and for everyone to meet your children. Take care my friend and have a great evening/weekend. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
I bet you are looking forward to your trip. Is this a good time of year to go there. I know our seasons are all opposite and everything.
I liked your contentment post I linked to it, hope that's OK...oh and I posted some sky pictures in your honour too! :)
I swear, I was dancing around to the same song when I came to your page. What adorable little dancers you have :)
The kids look great..so cute.
We dance alot here too....
I loved your happiness quote..so true. Have a good weekend.
your kids are too cute, and wow. Zachary dances just like Jasmine, I hope it's an age thing they get out of ...and LOL! Nicholas is wiggling his butt!! :D
I love your new layout too, very lovely!
The videos of the kids are fabulous! That Jasmine has got the moves. She looked pretty coordinated to me.
I'm completely in agreement on the value of my life as a homemaker, mother and wife. There isn't anything greater in my mind. The quote at the end is beautiful and so true.
They are very cute & have all the moves!!! Being a mommy is THE most important job one can have..
Praying for the trip to go well,, Blessing on you
Great post. Moms create the future.
Good luck with the move AND the trip! I'm so excited for you to get to go home :)
Very cute videos! Will definitely keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Join the club. We will be moving for the 3rd time in a few months due to demolition. I am ending up back in my original housing area after 3 years. Who new? What really sucks is that my kids started at a school that I really like and the post we are on here has 5 elementary school districts and we have been in 3 different ones so I have to drive the kids, but soon they will be back in there original area so the bus will be coming out as soon as the housing is all the way filled. I am glad I didn't change them, some kids have gone to 3 different schools in 3 years. How disruptive. I pray this doesn't happen to you.
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