Please Please Netflix people, if you're out there reading, just on the off chance that you read my blog (I know I know, but weirder things have happened).......when you see my Christy Movies coming back, STOP everything you're doing and mail the next discs out to me. ASAP! You don't want to be blamed for a 33 year old mom going loony in her home or nail-less from all the biting I'll do while waiting for the movies. Just saying!

At 17, Christy Huddleston decides to leave her comfortable life in Asheville, N.C., to teach at a mission schoolhouse in a rural Appalachian community. The school is run by strong-willed Quaker Alice Henderson, whose speech in a church inspired Christie to take this enormous leap of faith. Once in Cutter Gap, Tenn., she finds herself the object of attentions from two very different men: the Rev. David Grantland, a minister from Boston, and Dr. Neil MacNeill, a Cutter Gap native struggling to bring 20th century medicine to this backwoods community. Christie also discovers a good friend in mountain woman Fairlight Spencer.
And you guys sitting around here reading the blogs.......go watch Christy.....go go.....I promise you will love it.
I have watched Christy and I highly recommend it:) Where she lived is not that far from me.
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
You're so cute when you get addicted to something.
I'll look the movies up now.
Sandra, I am a Christy lover too. Have you read the book? I loved it! I watched the movie Christy and then checked out that series you are talking about. They let you check out the whole series! So, no waiting and you get it for a week! I loved it all, but I think I liked the book the best. I also love Anne of Green Gables but that's a different story!
Oh Yay! They are in my queue and I will most definitely bump them up now that I know they are so good! :D I love when I find something good, wholesome and uplifting!
ha ha ha ha. you crack me up !! Your shout out to the Netflix people made me laugh !!!
I've just looked up Christy on Amazon and they're all region 1 DVDs, the UK is region 2, so they wouldn't play on my DVD even if I got one...although hubby has just downloaded some gadget that apparently will convert DVDs into 'all region'.
I'll have to try the books first pehaps.
I love to watch them too. Heres what is weird, I work with a lady named Christy Huddleston and she is a teacher ! Weirder things have happened !!
I read Christy many years and loved it! I will have to add the DVD's to my netflix queue. I made your Chicken Tortilla soup today and it was soooo yummy! I put the rest in the freezer for an easy meal next week.
We love Christy and Anne of Green Gables also. We own the Christy series - and I think my daughter is getting Anne for her birthday. They are GREAT!!!
Love in Christ,
I hope you don't mind...but I have added you to my "blogs to read" link on my blog. I so enjoy reading other moms blogs that seem so similar to my families life. The Christy movies are good. I used to love that actress when she was on a sitcom called Life Goes On. Happy Blogging!
I have never heard of "Christy" but it sounds great. Thanks.
I love that movie.
Good Morning Sandra,
Wow, sounds like you are addicted to Christy. I've never heard of Christy before, but I have watched Anne of Green Gables. Christy sounds like a great movie. Do you think you could rent it from a video store or something? We don't rent from Netflix. "THANK YOU" for sharing this movie with us. It sounds like a Laura Ingalls Wilder Book/Show. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
Once a year my girls and I do a Anne of Green Gables marathon where we stay up all night together, munching our way through all the whole series. Lots of fun, but it's getting harder for me every year, LOL!
Maybe we'll have to do this with Christy too.
I remember watching Christy ;)have to look for it,thanks for the blog visit.have a great day.
Hi Sandra ~
This is #2 for me commenting you !!
I tagged you from my blog - I hope you dont mind, its a real simple & fun tag !!
Please stop by when you can :)
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