Why? Why would you end it just like that? Was I not good enough for you or is this the whole "It's not you it's ME" conversation?

So Friday afternoon I got the mail and low and behold the Netflix people had really stopped all they were doing to send me my movies. (Not really, they've always been fast, but I'm just choosing to believe it's due to my shout out LOL). I literally run home, kids in my trail waving their arms to get through the dust cloud I left in my path. *I am exaggerating but whatever*

I reached for the second one and started it and about 10 minutes into the first episode I get this overwhelming feeling of stupidity. I just told myself to please check the DVD cover again and what do you know......there's a side A and a side B. LOL

Anyway, going back to my story....there is one I promise. I pop it into Curt's computer and quickly run around the house doing the laundry, the dishes and sweeping and everything else I had to do that morning. I didn't want to sit down to watch it and then get interrupted by the dryer or the dishwasher etc. I had a lapse of memory for a minute because I had forgotten how terribly addictive this series is, I kept watching and watching, pausing to help the kids with whatever they needed and then again to start dinner. By nighttime, after dinner and doing the dishes, I took my shower and handed the kids over to hubby, he gladly took them for the rest of the night so I could finish my movies, and that is what I did.

Aren't things supposed to end in a way that explains what is going on or gives you some closure or something? I'm no ENDING expert but from my experience watching movies and tv shows....I thought the ending was just that. You walked away knowing who was with who, or who went where, what they're doing etc. NOTHING.......Christy abandoned me, just like that.
SPOILER:::::::: (If you want to watch it and don't want to know anything about it, don't read this spoiler....I'm warning you LOL)
The Reverend David who I absolutely adored, asked Christy to marry him and next thing I know here comes the doctor on a horse. She stops between them both and does the crying teary thing, looks to one and to the other, much like I do between donuts when I'm trying to figure out if I should have the plain maple or the boston creme filling.......and that's it. It's over. No choosing of anyone, not even a hint. Again I say WHAT THE HECK? LOLI went to bed frustrated and woke up this morning determined to find out what happened. I made a trip to the library for some books and right in between those is Christy by Catherine Marshall. Yeah she thought she could get away with not filling in the blanks for me, but guess what, I got her number.
Anyway, these are the books I picked up:
Beverly Lewis - The Postcard
Peter Ho Davies - The Welsh Girl
Catherine Marshall - Christy
Phillipa Gregory - The Boleyn Inheritance
Eloisa James - Enchanting Pleasures
Eloisa James - Midnight Pleasures
I still have 3 books at home to read....what can I say I'm either a fast reader or love to be surrounded by books. There's something about having a FULL TBR shelf that makes me happy.
In the middle of all this reading and movie watching there's also real life and craziness. Please say a prayer that I can get all my paperwork and stuff done for our trip to Africa, right now it seems we take one step forward and 2 steps back. I can't claim EIC on my tax return because I don't have a social security number, at first they said we could because I'm a Legal Resident but now they say no. So it's been put on hold until I get my Social Security Number, which will take 14 days. In the meantime I've got mine and the kids passports to get, tickets to buy, money to save and I don't know......more stuff to do? I know there's lot more things going on, but I see the time just slipping away and we're now almost 3 months away from the trip.
With that I'm leaving, I have an urging to go drown myself in Hot Tea and start the Christy Book. Dinner tonight is leftovers, we had a late lunch so no one is hungry.....it's fine by me :)
But lookie at the burgers we had last night for dinner? YUMMY.....Sirloin Burger with caramelized onions. Help yourself!
I'm not laughing at you - I would have never thought about 2 sides on a DVD! I haven't watched this series so didn't read your spoiler. I may have to rent this, because I loved the book.
I did not know DVD's had two sides. I do not think I would have ever figured it out.
That burger looked delicious.
Have a good weekend.
I remember when I watched Christy. It was when it was airing on television originally. I loved the show. I did not realize that it was a book, also. I will have to read it. I hated the ending of the show, too. Couldn't she just pick one? Seriously!
Good Evening Sandra,
I'm late in visiting tonight. I didn't post today. It was another busy day today and next Saturday looks to be busy as well. I am not laughing at you. I have no clue when it comes to CD'S. I didn't even know they had 2 sides either. LOL. If we rent DVD'S, hubby does all of the loading and playing and all that kind of stuff. I just sit back and watch. I'm so glad you got to watch all the movies and the series as well. It is hard to put away something if it is really interesting. You hamburgers and caramalized onions look devine. I love hamburgers when they are cooked on the grill. Hubby usually does alot of grilling in the Spring and Summer months for us. He's a great cook on the grill. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
I remember bits and pieces of that series but I don't remember that ending.
My word- that burger looks so good-I just ate breakfast but I think I could manage to eat that right now!
I'm not laughing at you; I'm laughing with you. I would have done the same thing. Who would have figured on two side to a DVD?!
I remember the first time I found out about some dvd's having 2 sides, so I'm not laughing, I have done the same exact thing.
I did not like how the series Christy did not end. Then I found out there is a mini series that does have an ending. It is with some of the same characters but Christy is played by Lauren Lee Smith and has 3 separate dvd's (it's the girl in the picture at the top of your post). You can find it on amazon.com if you get into the dvd's. It does tell you who she picked, but if you've already read the book, the book is always better.
I forgot to tell you, the names of the 3 dvd's are Christy: Return to cutter gap, ...A new beginning, ...A change of seasons
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