Is it safe to come out now??? I've been counting down the minutes until I could finally say "I'm FREE from the holidays and the craziness".......not a minute too soon I tell you.
I'm so over all the food and the crowds, I long for my boring routine filled days of school, work, laundry and home cleaning.....I want to sit on the couch in the morning with my coffee mug, looking out into the sun filled back yard and just relax for a minute, knowing that Curt is at work and Jasmine is at school and I don't have to worry about cooking a huge meal, rushing to buy presents or avoiding checking the bank. What you don't do that?!?!?!
Anyway, I've been missing for a few days, been getting the house back in order and trying to catch up on some reading too.
I'm in the beginning of the book "Shopaholic and Baby" and I'm laughing so hard already. I'm a huge Sophie Kinsella fan and have pretty much all the Shopaholic books, I finally picked this one up yesterday during one of my runs to the BX for batteries........darn toys that come with none and I always forget to buy them at christmas.
I'm so over all the food and the crowds, I long for my boring routine filled days of school, work, laundry and home cleaning.....I want to sit on the couch in the morning with my coffee mug, looking out into the sun filled back yard and just relax for a minute, knowing that Curt is at work and Jasmine is at school and I don't have to worry about cooking a huge meal, rushing to buy presents or avoiding checking the bank. What you don't do that?!?!?!
Anyway, I've been missing for a few days, been getting the house back in order and trying to catch up on some reading too.
I'm in the beginning of the book "Shopaholic and Baby" and I'm laughing so hard already. I'm a huge Sophie Kinsella fan and have pretty much all the Shopaholic books, I finally picked this one up yesterday during one of my runs to the BX for batteries........darn toys that come with none and I always forget to buy them at christmas.

Here's a small excerp from the first few pages.....Becky is at the OB getting an ultrasound of the baby and her husband and her decided they don't want to know the sex....the sonographer takes the husband outside to show him the phones so he can make a call and Becky reaches over for the ultrasound stick LOL
Leaning right over I manage to grab the ultrasound stick. I apply it
to the gel on my stomach-and at once the blurry image reappears on the
I did it!
There's the head. Wow, it's huge! And that must be-
My hand freezes and I catch my breath. I've just spotted it.
I've seen the sex of our baby! It's a boy!
She's all excited talking to the baby and she has tears in her eyes, her husband and the sonographer return and she gets scolded for messing around with the hospital equipment but she's so excited that she tells the husband to look at it...she saw the baby.
"Look, there's the head!" I point. "Hello, darling!"
"Where's it's face?"
Luke sounds a bit perturbed.
"Dunno. Round the other side." I give a little
wave. "It's Mummy and Daddy here! And we love you very---"
"Mrs. Brandon." The sonographer cuts me off. "You're talking to your bladder."
LOL LOL I spit out my drink when I read that, it is the funniest thing and it only gets better. If you like a funny book, you have got to read the Shopaholic series.
I've got 2 recipes to share with you tomorrow on my Food Blog, one is to show you how we make "Chourico Assado", Grilled Chourico.......and the other is what we had for dinner tonight...."Galinha no Forno com Arroz" or Portuguese Chicken and Rice.
Also don't forget the Slow Cooking Thursday feature tomorrow, can't wait to see the recipes you'll share :)
I haven't had a chance to come by and visit anyone, the computer has been put away and off limits to me so that I could do other stuff, you know how it is, the minute you sit down in front of it you not only check blogs but go online and surf the internet, or buy something or watch a show or whatever. Believe me, I can find stuff that would keep me busy for HOURS LOL
I'll be back in the morning, for now I'm going to finish off the last load of laundry, get the kids bathed and take my own shower. Wife Swap and SuperNanny are new tonight and I want to watch those.....I find them both hilarious LOL
Have a wonderful night everyone,
Good to hear from you again - I am getting the house and the routine back to normal too and it is nice. That book sounds hilarious. I will have to see if I can pick it up!
Good Evening Sandra,
"WELCOME BACK" to the wonderful world of blogging. LOL. We still have our tree and decorations up. I'm going to start taking them down this week and have everything put in the boxes and when hubby gets back home all he will have to do is put it out in the shed out back. I know, we are slow around here. Hubby suggested the other day that we just leave it up all year long. LOL. I said sure we could do that and then decorate it for each upcoming Holiday and each Season. LOL. Our girls start back to school tomorrow. I know how it is when you sit in front of the computer. LOL. Been there done that. I am looking forward to your Food Blog tomorrow. Does it matter what kind of recipe we share on there? I put up a recipe today on my post. Maybe I could post it on your Food Blog tomorrow? I have watched Wife Swap before. I tell ya, I would hate to have to live some of the lives some of those Women do. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
We used to watch those..but I guess our tv list got too long...your recipes sound wonderful. Talk to you soon.
I'm going to have to check that series out, that book sounds too funny!
I've been wondering where you guys went off to, but I assumed it was the holiday crazies.
I've read a few of the shopoholic series (years ago it seems) and they never ceased to crack me up! I'll have to check out this new one!
I've read all of Sophie's books and LOVE them!!!!
Lol I'm so in agreement with you Sandra...normality MUST return!
That sounds a great book, I've not read any of Sophie Kinsella's books.
I love the Shopaholic seris!! I just read the Manhattan one. I can't wait to get to the library to get the rest of the seris. I hope you have a great day.
I love the shopaholic books, gotta get this one sometime to read.
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