After a full weekend of rain NON.STOP....this morning we woke up to a beautiful sky, no rain and just a wonderful breeze. It feels wonderful outside and just look at these pictures? There's something magical about the sun's early light, it casts all these wonderful colors and shadows on the sky.

So last night after the kids were asleep, I crept into bed and got nice and comfy to watch "Mansfield Park". I LOVE Jane Austen, and no matter how many times I watch her movies or read her books, I just can't get enough, I end up falling in love with the characters all over again.

Since I had missed "Northanger Abbey" last sunday I was able to actually find it on youtube and watched it yesterday afternoon. To say that I was running on pure Jane Austen adrenaline is an understatement. For those of you that missed Mansfield Park, I did record it on my computer and have a full copy of the movie if you're interested, just let me know and I'll split it up and upload it online for you.
Meanwhile, here is Northanger Abbey on YouTube.......just go to Scampostrini's Videos and you will find the whole movie from part 1 to 16.
I'm drawing a blank today, you ever have those days when you feel like you have so much to say but nothing comes to mind? Because that's how I feel, so I think instead of talking I'll just give you some linky love to what's going on in blog land.
Kelli at "There is no Place Like Home" just posted a bunch of great links and recipes for everyone from her Seasonal Delights magazine. Go on over and take a look.
The Pioneer Woman posted a great recipe for the Superbowl....Quesadilla Party. Again as always YUMMY is all I have to say to her blog.
If you look on my sidebar I've added a new section for Homesteading Blogs. You might want to take a look at those, they are amazing and I'm learning such great things from them on budgetting, making your own stuff and living a simple life.
That's it, I have to get on the phone with Social Security and the IRS and have laundry to put away as well. Have a great monday.
Btw, my Menu Plan is posted on my food blog, so don't forget to give it a look and if you're interested in joining in, just head to Laura's Blog.
That light in your photos is really lovely!
I recorded some of the Jane Austen and I still haven't watched it yet.
What great pictures of the beautiful sky. I love to see a sunshiney morning after a few days of rain.
Beautiful pictures - I love how the sun accents the gorgeous color of the roof tops.
Jane Austen... what's not to love! I actually have a few of her movies coming to me from netflix. I enjoy watching a movie during rest time.
Have fun with the IRS and Social Security... ugg!
I'm rather dragging myself around the house at the moment too, I'm full of another cold! grrrr it feels like my head is packed full of cotton wool. Lol I can't really form interesting sentences.
So I'll just say hello and hugs!
Wonderful photos! I don't mind the rain sometime, but after a few days of it, I'm always glad to see the sun shining and feel its warmth on my face :)
I have been recording the Jane Austen movies, but haven't watched any of them yet. They're safely stored on my DVR and I hope to get to watch at least one soon. My DH doesn't want to watch them, so I haven't forced the issue. We watch things together in the evenings, so I will have to find some other time to watch them.
Have a great day, Sanrda!
I have Mansfield Park on my netflix list - I've loved all the other movies made from her books so I'm looking forward to this one very much.
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