Jasmine and Nicholas???? ALL.FOR.IT, Jasmine even poses LOL Is it a girl thing??? Cause I've noticed my nieces like posing too and it's so darn cute on them.
I haven't had much time to come around and visit anyone, I'm planning our trip to South Africa which is now only 4.MONTHS.AWAY. I am so excited, actually, we're ALL excited. But it does take a lot of planning and budgeting for, so that's what I've been busy with. I bet you thought I was going to say I wasn't around much cause I was off on some amazing retreat, off on a deserted island sipping margaritas with my bikini on (LOL yeah right) and my toes in the beach sand. Sounds great, but it's SO far off the truth it's not even funny hahaha
Anyway, I've started Redeeming Love, I think I told you that already, if not....I just couldn't say it enough how good and powerful a book this is. I'm just in awe and I'm amazed at what an outstanding writer Francine Rivers, WOW!
If you have yet to read this book, do yourself a favor and go and grab it from the library or the bookstore or a friend or whatever, just go get it!
Sold into prostitution in childhood, Angel is a bitter young woman who trusts no man. But when God tells Michael Hosea to marry her, she learns to love and hope---until fear overwhelms her and she returns to her former life. Can she be redeemed? A skillful retelling of the biblical story of Gomer and Hosea, set amid the California gold rush.I think I'm going to go back and read Hosea in the Bible again.
Now onto other stuff, Jasmine is back at school and of course really enjoying it but she's also counting the days until the end of this year, she's one of those kids that absolutely loves being at school but the getting up in the morning ruins it all for her LOL
She would be perfectly happy going to school around noon.....poor kid. Nicholas on the other hand is just not interested AT ALL. It's going to be fun since he starts kindergarten this year, I'll probably be spending many hours volunteering in his classroom.....I'll do it as much for him as for me, I don't think I'm ready for my little baby to go to school.
I thought I would share a pic of my little nieces and nephews today, they are just adorable and I know I'm biased, but they're beautiful and they're mine and I am so excited to see them all soon. I think there will be lots of spoiling going on. I'm sure my brothers appreciate it LOL Right????

Middle: Colby (he looks SO much like Nicholas)
Bottom from left to right: Alyssa and Taryn-Lee
I can NOT wait to hug these little human beings, it's amazing how much love you feel for someone you have never met personally....you do know that the only one I've ever met and actually used to babysit was Tiffany, I left South Africa when she was barely 2 years old and now she's 10. Goodness!
And now I have to get out of here so that I can get the kids ready for bed and be able to come back afterwards to blog hop.....I haven't done it in a while, I'm all happy it's like I'm getting ready to go bar hopping, but instead of johnny walkers I'm having hot tea and instead of drunk on booze people, I have drunk on love family......it's perfect :)
Btw before I leave, for dinner tonight I made Lulas de Caldeirada - Calamari Stew......it's SO SO good. I've posted the recipe already if anyone is interested :)
Have a great night,
They are so cute!
I think that is one of my favorite books, I was actually really crying tears at the end. I may read it again, it's that good!
I agree with Annie- they are way too cute! I'll have to get that book from the library soon- it sounds really, really good. Have fun blog hopping!
Calamari Stew sounds amazing. I'm heading over to check out the recipe as soon as I have finished leaving this comment ...
I am excited for you to get to spend time with your family in S.A.! I got to go home ( I live in Australia but am American - from Colorado ) with the kids in 2007. Went for 6 weeks and it was glorious. Only thing that could have made it better was having my husband with us. BUT ... it was so fantastic to see everyone. Hadn't seen my Dad, sister or brother for 5 years ! Time flies !! Sounds like it's been even longer for you ... 8 years, is it ? You must be beside yourself with excitement and anticipation !!!
You definitely have gorgeous children in your family, what lovely pictures.
I have a Francine Rivers book about Bathsheba on my bookshelf that I have borrowed from church. But I already have 3 books on the go right now and that is enough for a bear of small brain like I! :)
I going to go and get the lasagne recipe you posted a week or two ago, my hubby loves lasagne.
The pictures of Jasmine and Nicholas are precious. My son loves to make faces at the camera too.
I am so happy that you are getting to go home for a visit. I know it will be one sweet reunion:)
BTW I love the new background and banner!
I can not stand getting my picture taken, but all kids shots turn out so well. Your kids are adorable.
Your trip sounds exciting. I know it will be fun.
I loooove your kids! :D
So cute!
Hope everything is going well for you guys over there in AZ!
Wow!! I am so jealous of your upcoming vacation. It sounds like so much fun. I will be in your neck of the woods on buisness next week. What's the weather supposed to be like? I have no idea how to pack.
The kids are soooo cute! I think the posing is a little girl thing - my granddaughters do a lot of it, too.
Love the pictures. Jasmine is looking more & more like you everyday. Your family really is adorable! Only 4 months?!?! Wow!!! I can't imagine how excited you are to see them. I'm so happy about that=)
Your daughter is totally beautiful. Why wouldn't she pose? :-))) Oh that curly red hair! Oh my sakes alive. :-) I have a red haired granddaughter but her hair was never curly. Some wave yes. So I know... stop complaining. -grin-
And she sort of looks like she is experimenting with eye makeup, with the boo-boo. Poor little thing, so sad to have one of those scary boo-boos. And YES, way too bad for Mommy and Daddy too! :-)
And as you see, I'm back in blog land. With less angst about getting to everyone's blogs. But, I am back and that's good. How I handle blog land, is my problem! ,-)
4 months till SA! Wonderful!
Love that book- so powerful!
How exciting about your trip- what a great time that will be with your whole family!
Love Francine Rivers, too.The book "The last sin eater" was made into a movie- very well done! Highly recommend it. Love the kid pics!
"NOT ME...my face is always in the camera...lol!!" And Sandra, good news; I just got Picasa for my picture detailing (ie) my collages you see on my blog. You should really use Picasa, cause even the most horrible pictures I have of myself, I can airbrush and change my skin to soft, warm and glow. It does wonders for all the ugly picture (we think we take or have).."LOLLLLLL!!!"
Tiffany looks like you. She really does. I know you are looking forward to this trip. I'm very excited for you.
"....and, I am so thrilled you are going to visit your family!!" How excited you must be. Love your pictures of the kids too!!
Take care, friend!!
Your children are gorgeous! I can see a lot of you in them too, those eyes!
I love Francine Rivers, Redeeming Love was the first book of hers I ever read. Awesome! But so far I've read nothing of hers that isn't Awesome!
Good Afternoon Sandra,
I have been offline for a couple of days and am trying to catch up with everyone this afternoon. I do hope to be able to do a post in the morning tho. "THANK YOU" for being concerned about me. We didn't get anything Severe around here where I live, but it did get bad close by tho. "PRAISE GOD" for watching over us and protecting us. You have some beautiful children and nieces and nephews. I know you are excited about the trip and getting to see them. Our youngest daughter isn't Camera shy either. LOL. She is always wanting her picture taken. Our youngest daughter is a different story. She is like me, she don't like to have her picture made. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
I too, hate to be in front of the camera, but my grandkids and kids love to pose just like your little darlings.
I'm excited for you to have such a wonderful trip planned. 4 months will quickly be here.
Guess what, 3 weeks and I'm going to Mt. Home...we are actually going to a B & B in Pine. Hayhurst B & B. I'll be sure and get plenty of pictures to share with you. I can't even imagine how much snow they are going to have there!
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